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History: P.A. 01-7 (June Special Session) - The program was effective on July 1, 2001 and provides grants, loans, loan guarantees, deferred loans or any combination thereof for the development and preservation of affordable housing.

Purpose: The Affordable Housing Program aka Flex is DOH's primary housing production program and is frequently referred to as the "flexible" housing program. The program provides quality, affordable housing for Connecticut residents, promotes and supports homeownership and mixed income developments, and assists in the revitalization of urban and rural centers.

Source of Funding: General Obligation Bonds

Process: Applicants seeking funding may apply in any of the funding rounds set forth on the current Funding Schedule for which they are eligible.

Eligible Applicants are:

  • Municipalities
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Local Housing Authorities
  • For-Profit Developers
Eligible Uses of Affordable Housing funds are:

New Construction
Multi-family rental housing
Adaptive re-use of historic structures
Special needs housing
Redevelopment of vacant properties
Infrastructure improvements

Housing for individuals or families with incomes up to 100% of Area Median Income