Connecticut Nonprofit Security Grant Program

The State of Connecticut Nonprofit Security Grant Program (CT-NSGP) is a state funded competitive grant program that provides reimbursement for expenses that a nonprofit organization has incurred for security infrastructure improvements.  Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) organizations that are at heightened risk of being the target of a terrorist attack, hate crime, or violent act. Applications will be ranked and awarded based on the demonstrated need for security improvements.  


FY 2024 CT-NSGP Grantee Presentation: Congratulations on receiving an award under the 2024 CT-NSGP! Please reference this presentation for an overview of the grant process, including reporting requirements and pay-out options. 

FY 2024 CT-NSGP FAQ: Please reference this FAQ for common questions and answers regarding the CT-NSGP program and the FY 2023 application  

CT-NSGP Overview Presentation: Please reference the overview presentation for content presented during the webinar sessions. 


 **please note, public schools and municipal services (fire departments, EMS, housing authorities, etc.,) are not eligible applicants for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Please review our School Security Grant Program webpage for other opportunities. 



To be added to our distribution list to receive notifications and announcements for this program, please email


Forms and Reporting Documents


All forms and documents should be submitted to Please include your organization's official name, the grant program, and award year and number on all correspondence.