Phosphorus Reduction Strategy for Inland Non-Tidal Waters

In June 2009, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) proposed a strategy to address the need for a reduction in phosphorus loading to non-tidal surface waters from municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges.  That strategy has been the topic of numerous discussions between DEEP, stakeholders, and U.S. EPA.  A strategy has been developed which will be revised as warranted, to address the concerns raised by those parties.

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee has completed it's report to the Legislature which is available below: Detailed information and reporting provided by the Coordinating Committee and it's three subcommittees: Non-point Source, Scientific Methods, and Municipal Implementation are available.   

Public Act 12-155, An Act Concerning Phosphorus Reductions in State Waters

  PA 12-155, approved on June 15, 2012, mandated that DEEP work with municipalities to develop a state-wide strategy to reduce phosphorus loading in inland non-tidal waters to comply with standards established by US EPA. Evaluation and recommendations included (1) a state-wide response to address phosphorus non-point source pollution, (2) approaches for municipalities to use in order to comply with standards established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for phosphorus, including guidance for treatment and potential plant upgrades, and (3) the proper scientific methods by which to measure current phosphorous levels in inland non-tidal waters and to make future projections of phosphorous levels in such waters.

Interim Phosphorus Reduction Strategy for Connecticut Freshwater Non- Tidal Waste-Receiving Rivers and Streams Technical Support Document


Aquatic Life Impacts of Phosphorus: Research and Monitoring


This website provides information on the monitoring efforts, results and analysis conducted by the Monitoring Program.  These efforts include recommendations by the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering report ‘Methods to Measure Phosphorus and Make Future Projections’ developed as part of Public Act 12-155, An Act Concerning Phosphorus Reductions in State Waters.


Content Last Updated on September 5, 2023