2010 Training Program - Segment 3
GIS and Geospatial Data

2010 GIS Aerial Image


In the last few years rapid growth has occurred in environmental mapping applications. These mapping websites give the public access to huge amounts of geospatial data such as soil polygons and stream locations. Connecticut’s municipal inland wetlands agencies are more likely than ever to be presented with, or use, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and online mapping applications.

Segment 3 introduced attendees to geospatial data and the science behind GIS, as well as educating participants in the Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) service. A lecture on municipal GIS data and a demonstration of a related land-use visualization tool were also presented. The program finished with a discussion on the utility of GIS for invasive aquatic plants research.

Note: The inclusion of links to commercial organizations on this page does not constitute an endorsement by DEEP. These are made available for informational purposes only.

Classroom Presentations

Supplemental Training Materials

CT Historical Imagery Resources - Aerial imagery locations and availability

Community Viz - A land-use simulation tool that can integrate with a GIS program

CT ECO - GIS and imagery resources for CT

CT Agricultural Station, Invasive Aquatic Plant Program (see Connecticut's Aquatic and Wetland Invasive Plant Identification Guide, located using the "Plant Information" tab).

NRCS Soil Survey - Official source of soils data

Content Last Updated on March 17, 2020.