Water Diversion Reporting


Those that registered their diversions in 1983 pursuant to Section 22a-368 of the Connecticut General Statutes are now required to report their operating data pursuant to Section 22a-368a on the Annual Water Use Reporting Form provided below. Beginning with the annual report for calendar year 2020, the first annual report of operating data for registered diversions were due on or before January 31, 2021.

Water Diversion Registration Reporting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Holders of consumptive diversion permits are required to file annual water diversion reports as a condition of their permit using the same form provided below for registered diverters as discussed above. Separate forms should be completed for each authorized diversion as described in the permit or for each diversion registered in 1983. 

Once completed for an entire yearly reporting cycle, reporting forms should be signed electronically and emailed the following to DEEP.WaterUseReport@ct.gov along with any other scanned annual report documentation as specified by permit.
Note: It is not necessary to mail a hardcopy follow-up of your electronically submitted report.
If, and only if electronic submittal is not possible, mail a signed hardcopy of your annual report package to:
Director, DEEP Water Planning and Management Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106 

Water Use Reporting Form:  

Annual Water Use Reporting Form (2024 Update)

New Features

  • Select form fields are now auto-filled
  • Use data can be entered in either million gallons per day (MGD) or gallons per day (GPD)
  • Alternative format available for all water use to be entered in a single column
Helpful Hints

Please make sure the following are correct before submittal:

  • Make sure that you are using the most current reporting form provided in the link above
  • The Excel file of the reporting form must be submitted
  • The subject line of the submitted annual report email should be in the following format: “permit/registration number, permittee/registrant, 20XX annual report”

Full instructions available here: Water Use Reporting Form Instructions

Questions? Please contact us at DEEP.WaterUseReport@ct.gov

Violation Reporting

If you are required to submit a violation report by a permit condition, please use the Violation Reporting Form to detail the violation and steps taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the violation. A completed and electronically signed form may be emailed to the Consumptive Water Diversion Program at DEEP.WaterUseReport@ct.gov.

If you were required to obtain a permit for a non-consumptive use, such as a stream channel alteration, culvert, or pond dredging, please consult your permit for any reporting or notice requirements.  No reporting is required for a non-consumptive diversion registration such as a stream channel alteration, impoundment, or culvert.

If you operate a consumptive diversion where water is withdrawn and removed from its native location, but withdraw less than 50,000 gallons of water during any 24-hour period and will not exceed that daily volume, you are exempt from the requirements of the Water Diversion Policy Act and not required to report. 
Discontinued Diversions
Please contact the DEEP Water Planning and Management Division at (860) 424-3704 or DEEP.WaterUseReport@ct.gov if you have permanently discontinued your registered or permitted diversion, or sold or transferred the diversion to another party, so that we may update our records.

Water Diversion Program
Content last updated December 5, 2024