Requests for Natural Diversity Data Base Environmental Reviews

DEEP’s Natural Diversity Data Base (NDDB) reviews hundreds of projects each year to determine their impact on state-listed species. The NDDB Request for Review process was developed by DEEP to assist state agencies with the requirement that any activity authorized, funded, or performed by the state does not threaten the existence of endangered or threatened species. Applicants for state and local permits and grants may be required to consult with the NDDB as part of the application process. Species and habitat surveys may be required in order to assess risks and to determine appropriate mitigation measures.

Maps are available as a pre-screening tool to help determine if there could be an impact to known locations of state-listed species. Shaded areas ("blobs") on the maps show approximate locations of state- and federal-listed species and important natural communities. If a project falls within a shaded area, the applicant must submit a Request for Natural Diversity Data Base State-listed Species Review. When viewing the NDDB maps, please consider the entire area affected by a project, including any potential runoff or other disturbance. Locations outside of the mapped areas are not necessarily free of listed species; these locations may not have been surveyed and there may be potential impacts from disturbance in these locations.

NEW! NDDB Requests are now available on DEEP’s ezFile Portal

ezFile logo

Applicants can submit and manage their filings through a portal user account.

Start a Site Assessment

  • Draw* the project location on a map, including the area of work and any staging, discharge, or access areas. *Note: You cannot upload a shapefile for a Site Assessment.
  • The Site Assessment report must be downloaded and saved immediately. It will not be saved in your Portal filings.

A Site Assessment will allow you to draw an area of interest, and the system will return a species report. This is a preliminary assessment and cannot be filed as part of any permit applications at DEEP. The Site Assessment species list is based on documented species locations. Please be aware that NDDB is always updating our species records, and this preliminary Site Assessment is subject to change. Depending on the habitat available, additional state-listed species may be considered in a full project review. Comprehensive biological surveys and site habitat characterization are highly recommended for all projects for listed plants and animals if conducting significant ground disturbance, converting natural lands to development, or otherwise disturbing or fragmenting over 10 acres. Biological surveys should consider all potential state-listed species that may occur and not necessarily be limited to those documented in the Site Assessment.

Start a New NDDB Filing

  • Keep a record of your filing number. It is vital for any subsequent follow-up inquiry.
  • Answer application questions about your project.
  • Draw the project location on a map or upload GIS data, including the area of work, and any staging, discharge, or access areas.
  • Select a project type.

Based on the project type and the species encountered, the system may return an automated letter with standard guidance as best management practices or avoidance measures. If no species information is encountered, the system will return an automated "no known species" response. In more complex scenarios, where no standardized practices are available, your filing will be submitted to NDDB staff for further review. You will receive further correspondence and an NDDB Determination when the review is complete. Selecting the right project type is key to getting appropriate comments. If your project contains multiple project objectives or multiple site locations, it may be necessary to make more than one filing.

If we cannot make a recommendation based on the information provided, you may be asked to have biological surveys performed at the site. Biologists can be hired from environmental consulting firms (More on how to find a qualified biologist). Not all land use choices will impact the listed plant or animal that is present. Often, minor modifications can help. For this reason, applicants should apply early in the planning stages of a project.

Reviews submitted through the ezFile portal may be processed more quickly than those submitted via email, and the NDDB program encourages all applicants to use the portal. For those who cannot use the portal, please fill out the Request for Natural Diversity Data Base State-listed Species Review Form.

Request for Natural Diversity Data Base State-listed Species Review Form*

Word Form   PDF Form   Instructions 

*Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Incomplete forms or missing attachments will result in the request being rejected.

Forms should be sent to:

NDDB, Wildlife Division
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm St., 6th Floor
Hartford CT 06106-5127

Or emailed to:

Please do not send duplicate copies of requests. Choose to either use the ezFile Portal or email the request, but do not send both. Please note: Preliminary Assessments will no longer be provided through this form. You MUST use the portal and choose Site Assessment in order to obtain this information.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Environmental Review Process

Content last updated in December 2022.