How to Register

All prescribers in possession of a Controlled Substance Practitioner (CSP) registration issued by the CT Department of Consumer Protection are mandated to register as a user with the CT Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System (CPMRS) at

This portal allows registered prescribers (for patients under their care), pharmacists (for customers seeking to have a prescription filled) and law enforcement (for prescription fraud investigations) to enter a patient's first name, last name, and date of birth to generate a report of all issued prescription drugs (Schedule II, III, IV and V).

To register for a CPMRS account: Login

  1. Go to
  2. Click on 'Create an Account.'
  3. Enter a unique email address.
  4. Create and confirm a secure password. Click on 'Save and Continue.'
  5. Select your User Role. Click on 'Save and Continue.' (A link to verify your email address will be sent at this time.)
  6. Fill out the online registration form. All fields with an asterisk(*) are required.
  7. Supplemental documentation may be uploaded or submitted via email to (i.e. a copy of your driver’s license, passport or government issued photo identification card)
  8. Click on "Submit Your Registration."
Allow up to 2-3 weeks for approval. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email. For registration questions, please review the FAQs.

To provide the appropriate security for access, all account passwords must be changed every 6 months (the system will prompt the user to change it).


Be assured that DCP and its partner, Bamboo Health, take great care to protect patient confidentiality. Access to the data is limited to registered users only.



  • Medical Marijuana Verification Card Module - Law enforcement personnel who only have access to the medical marijuana registry will have a more user-friendly visual interface when viewing patient's information.

  • CPMRS software upgrade - Go-Live 06/16/16
  • Automatic Registration Renewal - The system administrator would be able to select the number of years a user group (Practitioner, Pharmacy, Law Enforcement, etc.) can be registered in the system. The system will look at the approval date and include a renewal date based on the number of years provided by the system admin.
  • Alerts - are now available at the top of the View Report page next to the "Patient History Report.PDF" document. All alerts are listed in one pdf document for easy access and viewing.
  • Statistical Report - has been added for the administrative side of the CPMRS. This report will allow the administrator to view the total number of reports requested per individual.
These upgrades were supported with funds awarded by The Governor's Prevention Partnership .

