Plan Ahead Before Going Grocery Shopping


With grocery prices are going up, here are some ideas for doing things just a bit differently in order to be a more efficient grocery shopper. Here are 10 things you should do before you go out grocery shopping.

  • SIGN UP for grocery, pharmacy and other retailers’ customer discount cards. They offer good savings over time and also qualify you for many unadvertised promotions and coupons. But make sure your information is kept private.
  • VISIT your stores’ websites each week to compare prices, find sales and print electronic coupons. Some chains will send you e-mail notices regarding sales.
  • KNOW what you have and what you need. Before making your list, take stock of what you currently have in your home. List the items you’re out of and food you need for upcoming meals, snacks and lunches.
  • PLAN MEALS AHEAD, based on the week’s sale items. Plan to use leftovers for another meal and be sure you have any extra items you’ll need for that second meal.
  • ADD FARMERS MARKETS to your regular shopping places.  Buying fruits and veggies in season keeps the prices low, tastes great and increases variety.
  • EAT before you shop.  Don’t go into the store on an empty stomach …you’re likely to buy more than you need.
  • PACK an insulated cooler in your car during the warmer weather to store your dairy and frozen foods from the supermarket to home.