PETITION NO. 1442 -  SR Litchfield, LLC petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 19.8-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility on 6 contiguous parcels located both east and west of Wilson Road south of the intersection with Litchfield Town Farm Road in Litchfield, Connecticut, and both east and west of Rossi Road, south of the intersection with Highland Avenue in Torrington, Connecticut, and associated electrical interconnection.

PETITION FILING (recd. 02/05/21)
Petition Cover Letter, 02/05/21
Petition Narrative
Exhibit A - Preliminary Site Layout Plan
Exhibit B - FEMA Maps
Exhibit C - Farmland Soils Map
Exhibit D - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit E - Abutting Property Owner's Post Card Mailer
Exhibit F - Litchfield Board of Selectman Letter of Support
Exhibit G - Abutters Notice of Intent, Certificate of Service, and Certificates of Mailing
Exhibit H - Officials Notice of Intent, Certificate of Service, and Certificates of Mailing
Exhibit I  - Map of Abutting Property Owners
Exhibit J - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Exhibit K - Envirotemp FR3 Fluid SDS
Exhibit L - Tree Analysis
Exhibit M - Integrated Vegetation Management Plan
Exhibit N - Noise Impact Assessment
Exhibit O - FAA Notice Criteria Tool
Exhibit P - Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment
Exhibit Q - June 11, 2019 Correspondence to SHPO
Exhibit R - SHPO Concurrence Letter (July 2019)
Exhibit S - Phase I Reconnaissance Archeological Survey (RAS)
Exhibit T - Submittal of Phase I RAS to SHPO
Exhibit U - Wetlands and Habitat Report
Exhibit V - Stormwater Pollution Control Plan
Exhibit W - Request for NDDB State Listed Species Review
Exhibit X - SHPO Concurrence Letter
Exhibit Y - Quantitative and Qualitative Visual Impacts
Exhibit Z - Preliminary Drainage Report


Council Letter to the Town of Litchfield, 02/08/21
Council Letter to the Town of Torrington, 02/08/21
Council State Agencies Memorandum, 02/09/21
Council Acknowledgement of Ronald M. Viola's Request for Intervenor Status, 03/05/21
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set One, 03/12/21
Council Decision on Viola Request for Party Status, 03/26/21
Council Decision on Petitioner's Request for an Extension to Respond to Interrogatories, 04/19/21
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set Two, 06/10/21
Council Set Date for Decision Letter, 06/18/21 
Council Response to McKenna Request for Status and Request for Public Hearing, 09/24/21
Council Response to Nicholas Request for Status and Request for Public Hearing, 09/27/21


Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 02/24/21
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Comments, 03/05/21
Department of Agriculture Comments, 03/08/21
Department of Transportation Comments, received 03/31/21


Town of Litchfield Comments, 03/06/21
Town of Litchfield Planning and Zoning Commission, 03/06/21


Schedule, 02/08/21
Schedule, 04/19/21
Schedule, 06/25/21


Service List, 02/08/21
Service List, 03/26/21
Service List, 08/19/24
Service List, 02/11/25


Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, received 04/05/21
Attachment 1 - Technical Report
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 1 of 11) 
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 2 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 3 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 4 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 5 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 6 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 7 of 11)  
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 8 of 11)   
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 9 of 11)   
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 10 of 11)   
Attachment 2 Photos (Part 11 of 11)   
Petitioner's  Additional Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, and Request for an Extension to Provide Additional and Supplemental Responses to Set One, 04/16/21
Petitioner's Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 05/14/21
Petitioner's Supplemental Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 5/14/21
Supplemental Attachment 1
Petitioner's Redesign of the Project, 05/14/21
Petitioner's Responses to Interrogatories, Set Two, 07/01/21
Attachment 1 - TCLP Test Results Letter
Attachment 2 - Preliminary Site Layout Plans
Attachment 3 - Revised Stormwater Control Plan
Attachment 4 - Drainage Calculations
Attachment 5 - Wetland Buffer Table
SR Litchfield LLC's Objection to McKenna Request for Party/CEPA Intervenor and Request for Public Hearing, 09/27/21
SR Litchfield LLC's Objection to Nicholas Request for Party/CEPA Intervenor and Request for Public Hearing, 09/27/21


PARTY -  Ronald M. Viola, Trustee
Viola Request for Party Status, 03/02/21

PARTY/CEPA INTERVENOR – Erin McKenna - Denied as Moot and Untimely, 09/24/21
McKenna Request for Party/CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Public Hearing, 09/22/21

PARTY/CEPA INTERVENOR – Ranald K. Nicholas and Robin L. Nicholas (Nicholas) - Denied as Moot and Untimely, 09/27/21
Nicholas Request for Party/CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Public Hearing, 09/27/21

Council Decision and Staff Report, 09/23/21

Partial Development and Management Plan Phase I Narrative, 11/24/21   Cover Letter
Exhibit A - Tree Clearing Plans
Exhibit B - SPCC and Oil Spill Contingency Plan
D&M Plan Schedule, 11/26/21
Council Partial D&M Plan Interrogatories to SR Litchfield, LLC, 12/14/21
SR Litchfield, LLC Responses to Council's Partial D&M Plan Interrogatories, 01/05/22  Cover Letter
Attachment A - Proposed Layout Site Plan
Attachment B - Tree Clearing Plan Phase
Council Partial D&M Plan Decision and Staff Report, 01/18/22
Request for Revision - Removal of Dead Trees from Subject Parcel, 09/01/22
Council Decision on Request for Revision, 09/01/2022
Council Decision and Partial D&M Phase 1 Condition Submissions, 05/03/23
Partial D&M Plan II, 05/03/23
Partial D&M Plan II Schedule, 05/08/23
Council D&M Plan II Interrogatories, 05/10/23
Partial D&M Plan II Schedule, 05/10/23
Responses to Council D&M Plan II Interrogatories, 05/23/23
Council D&M Plan II Decision Letter and Staff Report, 06/09/23
Submission of Decision Condition Nos. 1 and 2(g) and Partial D&M Plan Phase 1 Updates, 10/16/23
Attachment 1 - DEEP Notice of Permit Authorization
Attachment 2 - Updated Tree Clearing Phasing
Attachment 3 - Stormwater Pollution Control Plan
Attachment 4 - Site Civil Design
Attachment 5 - Drainage Calculations
Notice of Construction Commencement, 10/17/23
Council Acknowledgement of Condition Nos. 1 and 2(g) Submissions and Partial D&M Plan Phase 1 Updates, 10/18/23
Partial D&M Plan III, 10/25/23
Attachment 1 - Electrical Site Plans
Attachment 2 - Electrical Site Layout
Attachment 3 - Site Layout and Array Details
Attachment 4 - Site Civil Design (revised September 27, 2023)
Attachment 5 - Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
Attachment 6 - Fuel Storage Spill Prevention Plan (Oct. 2023)
Partial D&M Plan III Schedule, 10/27/23
Council Partial D&M Plan III Interrogatories, 11/07/23
Partial D&M Plan III Schedule, 11/07/23
Viola Partial D&M Plan III Comments, 11/08/23
Responses to Council D&M Plan III Interrogatories, 11/27/23
Supplemental Response to Council D&M Plan III Interrogatory No. 9, 12/04/23
Council Partial D&M Plan III Decision and Staff Report, 12/08/23
Council Acknowledgement of Partial D&M Plan III Approval Condition No. 2 Submission, 02/01/24
Council Response to Town of Litchfield Comments, 02/02/24
First Quarterly Construction Report, 02/07/24
Partial D&M Plan III Revision and Council Decision, 02/15/24
Development & Management Plan Revision and Council Decision, 04/24/24
Second Quarterly Construction Report, 05/14/24
Request for Extension of Construction Time and Council Decision, 06/11/24
Third Quarterly Construction Report, 08/07/24
Service List Change, 08/19/24
Request for Minor Modification - Limits of Disturbance, 08/19/24
Attachment A - Updated Site Civil Design Plans
Attachment B - All-Points Technology Corporation Memo Regarding Work Activities
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan III Revision Request, 08/27/24
Partial D&M Plan II Revision and Council Decision, 10/22/24
Fourth Quarterly Construction Report, 11/25/24
Request for Additional Extension of Construction Time and Council Decision, 02/11/25
Fifth Quarterly Construction Report, 02/20/25