As we continue to move to a more online registration and record-keeping system, we are providing you with directions on common areas that you need to be familiar with:  Creating an Account, Registering for a Class, Registering for a Certification Exam, and Other important functions. For a listing of each of these functions click below    

     CFA Acadis Online Information

Commission on Fire Prevention and Control – Connecticut Fire Academy

Staff Directory Update

Commission on Fire Prevention and Control and CT Fire Academy user EMAIL accounts have been migrated to the DOIT Exchange server, thus staff email addresses have been changed.  Please click on the link below for a list containing updated staff and administrative email and phone extension contact information.   Please update your records and email address book to reflect these changes.     

Our agency phone number remains (860) 627-6363 or in-state toll free 1-877-5CT FIRE (877-528-3473).