As we continue to move to a more online registration and record-keeping system, we are providing you with directions on common areas that you need to be familiar with:  Creating an Account, Registering for a Class, Registering for a Certification Exam, and Other important functions. For a listing of each of these functions click below    

     CFA Acadis Online Information

ITTFS 2018 Applications

Introduction To The Fire Service (ITTFS) is designed to provide youths between the ages of 14 and 17 with an opportunity to explore the Fire Service. A strong emphasis is placed on teamwork, self– and mutual respect and character as students select their own leaders and learn the basics of Fire Department organization, the Incident Command System and the core fire-ground skills required of successful engine, ladder and rescue company personnel.

Advanced Introduction to the Fire Service – This program will prepare youths ages 16-17 who have attended the ITTFS program for the Fire Service. Students will be exposed to a series of advanced skills and concepts designed to expand and sharpen their skill and knowledge base and leadership abilities. Some of the topics covered include: Vehicle Extrication, High-Angle Rescue, Standpipe Operations, Introduction to Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, Pump Operations, Teaching Methodology and Leadership.

Applications due no latter then March 30, 2018

2018 ITTFS Application

2018 ASAC Application

Junior Counselor Application  Must be received by March 23, 2018