As we continue to move to a more online registration and record-keeping system, we are providing you with directions on common areas that you need to be familiar with:  Creating an Account, Registering for a Class, Registering for a Certification Exam, and Other important functions. For a listing of each of these functions click below    

     CFA Acadis Online Information

Change your Clock - Change your Battery

Change Your Clock

Change Your Battery in Your Smoke and CO Alarms

 this Weekend !

It’s that time of year again when we’ll be turning back our clocks and the days will be getting noticeably shorter. For your safety and the safety of your family please remember to change the batteries in your smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms when you change your clocks back on November 2nd.  And, always remember to test your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are at the ready.  The life you save just may be your own!