Meeting Notice and Agenda

The Council on Environmental Quality will meet by Zoom at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, March 23, 2022. 

Council Members may participate via Zoom on their computers by connecting to:
the Zoom meeting at:
or dial phone by dialing: +1 646 876 9923 US  Meeting ID: 963 6527 0321

The public may watch and/or listen by connecting to the same website. Materials for the meeting will be posted to the Council’s website in advance of the meeting. Persons wishing to comment during the Citizen Comment Period may participate remotely at that time.


1. Call to Order; Establishment of a Quorum 

2. Approval of Agenda 

3. Approval of February 23, 2022 Minutes

4. Chair's Report - 
Update on executive director search

5. Citizen Comment Period - Reserved for people to make brief comments to the Council regarding topics not on the agenda.

6. Citizen Complaints and Inquiries Received

7. Executive Director’s Report

  • Development of Hazard Tree Mitigation Policy and the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act


8. Staff Activities

  • Introduced Bills and comments submitted: Raised Bills HB 5296, SB 4, SB 243
  • Annual Report 1st draft 

9. State Agency & Legislative Actions

a. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection:

  • Release-based Remediation Working Group - update
  • Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for the Ox Brook Flood Control Master Plan

b. Siting Council

  • Petitions 1492 – Comments recommended
  • Petitions 1489, 1491, 1493, 1494, 1495, 1496, and 1497 – No comments recommended 

c. University of Connecticut and scoping for historic buildings

10. Other Business

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2022.