The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 9:30 AM in the Holcombe Room, fifth floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford.



1.  Call to Order; Establishment of a Quorum

2.  Approval of Agenda

3.  Approval of January 23, 2019 Minutes

4.  Chair’s Report

              a. Report on Request for an Appointment to Council

              b. EA2 Interviews

5.  Citizen Comment Period*

6.  Staff Report

              a. CEQ Appropriation in Governor’s Budget & Draft Testimony

              b. Status of EA2 Hiring & Anticipated Offer of Employment


7.  Citizen Complaints & Inquiries

              a. Siting of Solar Energy Facilities

              b. Manure Processing Technology

8. State Agency Actions

              a. Siting Council Petition # 1354

              b. DECD submission to Environmental Monitor

9.  Workload Management

              Interns have started – projects assigned

10. Other Business

              a. New Bills

              b. Recognition of contribution of Karyl Lee Hall


*The Citizen Comment Period is reserved for people to make brief comments to the Council regarding topics not on the agenda. There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting.


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