The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 9:00 AM in the Russell Conference Room, 3rd floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford. (Directions)


1.  Call to order; establishment of a quorum

2.  Approval of May 22, 2012 minutes

3.  Chair’s Report

4.  Executive Director's Report    

      including updates on budget and legislation

5.  Environmental Indicators and the Measurement of Environmental Conditions
     Guest:  Daniel C. Esty, Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection

6.  Indicator of the Month:  Electricity

7.  Review of State Agency Actions

     a.  Letter from Department of Energy and Environmental Protection re: regulations pertaining to hydraulic fracturing

     b.  Siting Council consultation re: telecommunications tower in Voluntown(no comments proposed)

     c.  Updates from staff on other projects

8.  Citizen Complaints (staff updates)

9.  Other Business

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