The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 9:00 AM in the Holcombe Room, 5th floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford. (Directions)


1.  Call to order; establishment of a quorum

2.  Approval of April 27, 2010 minutes

3.  Chairman's Report

4.  Executive Director's Report

5.  Citizen Complaints

     a.  Tylerville contamination and related issues – presentation by Patrick Bowe, Director of Remediation Division, Department of Environmental Protection, followed by discussion.

     b.  Updates on matters raised at Haddam Public Forum (potential action items)

     c.  Others

6.  Review of State Agency Actions

     a.  CT Siting Council solicitations for comments re: telecommunications towers in Cornwall and New Canaan (no comments recommended)

     b.  Proposed Generic Environmental Classification Document – brief update

     c.  Proposed transfer of Seaside Regional Center, Waterford – potential action item

7.  Indicators of the Month (an ongoing review of environmental indicators that are published in the annual report, with discussion of possible revisions).
     This month: Coastal Beach Closings; Piping Plovers; Marine Species

8.  Other Business



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