Table of Contents: Abstacts and downloads of pdf files for conference sessions

Front Cover, Acknowledgments, Conference Sponsors [pdf] (49.7kb, 2 pages)
Title_Page [
pdf] (34.7 kb, 2 Pages)
Introduction [
pdf] (58.1 kb, 8 pages) [abstract]
Session 1: Effects of Plant Health and Soil Health on Susceptibility to Pests [
pdf] (58.1 kb, 8 pages) [ abstract]
Session 2: Putting Biological Control to Work [
pdf] (63.7 kb, 8 pages) [ abstract]
Session 3: Strategies and Tactics Currently Used by Organic Farmers  [
pdf] (22.4 kb, 4 pages) [abstract]
Corn_and_Sweet_Corn [
pdf] (67.3 kb, 6 pages) [abstract]
Cabbage_Family [
pdf] (113.7 kb, 3 pages) [abstract]
Potato_Leafhopper [
pdf] (127.7 kb, 3 pages) [abstract]
Cucurbit_Crops [
pdf] (415.5 kb, 6 pages) [abstract]
Solanaceous_Crops [
pdf] (230.6kb, 7 pages) [abstract]
Tarnished [
pdf] (456.6 kb, 7 pages) [abstract]
Beans [
pdf] (282.1 kb, 5 pages) [abstract]
Final_Session [
pdf] (74.3 kb, 3 pages) [abstract]
Appendices [
pdf] (145.2 kb, 13 pages)

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Front Cover, Acknowledgments, Conference Sponsors [pdf](49.7kb, 2 pages)

Title Page, Copyright [pdf](34.7 kb, 2 Pages)

Introduction and Session 1 [pdf](58.1 kb, 8 pages) [abstract]
Introduction, Kimberly Stoner

Session 1: The Effects of Plant Health and Soil Health on Susceptibility to Pests [pdf](58.1 kb, 8 pages) [abstract]

A History of the Idea that Healthy Plants are Resistant to Pests, Eliot Coleman
The Relationship between Soil-Management History and Corn Susceptibility to Pests, Larry Phelan
Discussion-Session 1

Session 2: Putting Biological Control to Work [pdf] (63.7 kb, 8 pages) [abstract]Biological Control: Past, Present & Future, Mike Hoffmann
Crop Diversification and Encouraging Biological Control

What Growers Can Do to Enhance Biological Control of Insects, Sharad C. Phatak
Insect Habitat on a Diversified Farm, Cass Peterson
Pests and Peacework, Elizabeth Henderson
Bio-strip Intercropping at Ruckytucks Farm, Steve Gilman
Biodiversity in Farm Vegetable Production: Sustainable Agriculture Practices, Michael T. Keilty
Discussion-Session 2

Session 3: Strategies and Tactics Currently Used by Organic Farmers [pdf] (22.4 kb, 4 pages) [abstract]

Strategies and Tactics that Work in Maine, Eric Sideman
Insect Control Strategies Used by Organic Farmers in New Jersey, Emily Brown Rosen
Best Bug-Outs from West Virginia, Myra Bonhage-Hale
Discussion-Session 3

Small Group Discussions

Corn and Sweet Corn [pdf](67.3 kb, 6 pages)  [abstract]

Integrating Microbial Insecticides and Oils into Sweet Corn IPM, Ruth Hazzard
Corn Earworm and other Challenges of Growing Corn Organically, Steve Mong
Biological Control of European Corn Borer in Sweet Corn with Trichogramma ostriniae, Mike Hoffmann

Cabbage Family, and Specifically, Flea Beetles [pdf](113.7 kb, 3 pages) [abstract]

What Do We Know about Flea Beetles?, Kimberly Stoner
Discussion- Flea beetles

Potato Leafhopper [pdf](127.7 kb, 3 pages) [abstract]

Potato Leafhopper, William Lamp
Discussion-Potato Leafhopper

Cucurbit Crops [pdf](415.5 kb, 6 pages)  [abstract]

Integrated Pest Management for Cucumber Beetles, Mike Hoffmann
Squash Vine Borer Control with Cotton Row Cover, Bryan O’Hara
Harvesting Greens as a Strategy to Control Squash Bugs ( Anasa tristis), Eero Ruuttila
Discussion-Cucurbit Crops

Solanaceous Crops [pdf](230.6kb, 7 pages) [abstract]

Living Straw Mulch for Suppression of Colorado Potato Beetle, Eero Ruuttila,
Evaluation of Five Organic Techniques on Controlling Flea Beetles on Kennebec Potatoes, Myra Bonhage-Hale
Wild Predators Feeding on Two-Spotted Spider Mite in Eggplant, David Stanley
Biological Control of Tomato Fruitworm with Trichogramma Wasps, Mike Hoffmann
Discussion-Solanaceous Crops

Tarnished Plant Bug [pdf](456.6 kb, 7 pages) [abstract]

Current Status of Biological Control of the Tarnished Plant Bug in NE Alfalfa, and Research on Extension of this Method to Other Crops, William H. Day
Tarnished Plant Bug, Jake Guest
Discussion-Tarnished Plant Bug

Beans and Mexican Bean Beetle [pdf] (282.1 kb, 5 pages) [abstract]

Biological Control of Mexican Bean Beetle from the Farm to the Garden, Carol A. Holko
Experiments with Using a Parasitic Wasp for Biological Control of Mexican Bean Beetle on Snap Beans, Kim Stoner
Discussion-Beans and Mexican Bean Beetle

Final Session Comments [pdf](74.3 kb, 3 pages)  [abstract]

Aaron Gabriel
Elizabeth Henderson
Bill Duesing

Appendices [pdf](145.2 kb, 13 pages)

Areas Needing Additional Study
Potential Sources of Commercially Available Biological Control Agents Mentioned
Resources for General Information and Specific Topics
Technical and Specifically Cited References
About the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES)

**NOTE: These documents are provided in Adobe® Acrobat™ (.pdf) format. If you do not have Adobe® Acrobat™ Reader Version 5.0 to view and/or  print your these documents,  you will need to download the Adobe® Acrobat™ Reader Version 5.0. To get a free copy of the software, click the "Get Acrobat" image. 
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