Michael Galinski's Success Story

Michael Galinski Success Story

Michael Galinski

Michael Galinski is 24 years old and loves to work with his hands and stay busy. Michael has two jobs to stay busy and make money. Michael works at Commercial Sewing in Torrington, CT. He does maintenance work. His duty is to collect cardboard throughout the building and take it to the big dumpsters outside.

Michael’s second job is at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Torrington. Once a week he is responsible for cleaning the church. 

Michael said “Work keeps me busy doing stuff I like and I get to talk to my friends!” Michael likes to work and make money to buy things he enjoys. When asked what he enjoys, Michael shared he loves going bowling with friends, going on vacations, to the movies, and especially loves getting ice cream!

Michael Galinski

Submitted by James Louchen, DDS Self Advocate Coordinator