This is the archived website of former Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases



Lt. Governor Wyman Releases Statement on Equal Pay Day

(Hartford, CT) - Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman released the following statement in recognition of National Equal Pay Day, April 12, 2016.  Equal Pay Day highlights the gender wage gap by representing how far into the year a woman must work to earn what men did during previous year. 

"Women in Connecticut and throughout the nation face economic injustice every day. We are over-represented as minimum wage earners and under-represented on boards of directors and in the c-suite. The gender wage gap persists, causing immediate economic harm to women and their families and damaging long-term financial well-being. Equal Pay Day highlights the need to address this discrimination and promote economic security for all residents."


Juliet Manalan
Communications Director
Office of Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman
(o) 860.524.7377
(m) 860.913.7528
Twitter: @LGWyman
FB: Office of Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman