Press Releases

Secretary of the State of Connecticut Seal


Secretary Thomas Delivers Keynote Address at the "Women and Civic Engagement" Women's History Month Event, Hosted by the Greater Waterbury NAACP

(Hartford, CT) – Today, Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas delivered the keynote address at the “Women and Civic Engagement” Women’s History Month event hosted by the Greater Waterbury NAACP. Secretary Thomas spoke to attendees about the importance of getting involved in their communities, and especially for the need for black women to be engaged and active in local organizations in order to have their voices heard.

“As Secretary of the State, I’ve made it one of my primary goals to emphasize the importance of civic engagement and work to get as many people as possible involved in their communities,” said Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas. “We as people, as women, as citizens of the United States, have to lose our fear and be the changemakers.”

She continued: “We must have the courage to step outside of our comfort zones and tap into the resources available to make our voices heard. Because it is always true, that it is not just the responsibility of those already in power to solve the problems in our community – it is the responsibility of each and every one of us.”

The event, which was held at Veterans Memorial Hall at Waterbury City Hall, also featured remarks from The Campaign School at Yale University executive director Patricia Russo, and NAACP State of Connecticut WIN Chairwoman Barbara Holloman.


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