Press Releases

Statement of Secretary of the State Denise Merrill on the Date of Connecticut's Presidential Preference Primary
“After consultation with Registrars of Voters, Town Clerks, and the bi-partisan leadership of the Connecticut General Assembly, yesterday I asked Governor Lamont to use his emergency powers to move Connecticut’s Presidential Preference Primary to June 2, 2020, and he issued an executive order to that effect.
My most important concerns are allowing every Connecticut voter to make their voice heard in the selection of the presidential candidates, and ensuring that they are able to cast their ballots as safely as possible.
Moving the primary date is a good first step that will give our hard-working local election officials more time to prepare. Changing an election date is not something we do lightly – it’s a recognition of the severity and the nature of this crisis and, along with my request to temporarily remove restrictive absentee ballot language from the statute, will allow the maximum number of Connecticut voters to participate in the electoral process, even if they wish to avoid gathering in a polling place.” – Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill
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