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Secretary Thomas Speaks with West Hartford Rotary Club on Early Voting and the Upcoming November 5th General Election

(Hartford, CT) – Earlier today, Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas visited the West Hartford Rotary Club to engage in a discussion around early voting and the upcoming November 5th General Election. She also spoke about her own experience as a former business owner, the unique responsibility that businesses and entrepreneurs have to promote civic participation in the communities they exist in.

“I so appreciate Rotary Clubs because of your dedication to community engagement,” said Secretary Thomas. “From stepping up to support your local food pantry to sponsoring a dental clinic in Uganda, you are the definition of active citizenship.”

In addition, Secretary Thomas introduced the group to her office’s CEO, or Civically Engaged Organization, program, which invites businesses, non-profits, municipal offices, houses of worship, and other organizations to formally commit to being civically engaged, either through active participation in the local community or by helping to broaden public and employee civic awareness. More information on the CEO program is available at

The November 5 general election will have 14 days of in-person Early Voting, including two weekends and two days with extended hours. Early voting will run from October 21 – November 3, with locations open 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on most days, except on October 29 and October 31, when the hours will be 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. More information about early voting, accessible voting options, and the upcoming election can be found at

West Hartford Rotary - photo 1

Secretary Thomas addresses attendees at the West Hartford Rotary Club

West Hartford Rotary - photo 2

Secretary Thomas shares a laugh with West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor


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