November 17th, 2021 Minutes - Workforce Committee

Read time: 8 minutes

Social Equity Council | Workforce Committee

Meeting Date and Time: November 17th, 2021, 3:00 - 4:00 P.M.

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the SEC Workforce Committee
Meeting Location: Virtual TEAMS


This was a public meeting.



Cannabis Career Pathways

Workforce Development Plan Draft discussed in meeting

Workforce Development Plan - Recommendations for 12-7-2021 Full Council Meeting



  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Goals & Objectives of Workforce Committee
  3. Workforce Plans
  4. Workforce Training
  5. Career Pathways
  6. Recommendations to the Full Council
  7. Adjournment

Chair: Kelli Vallieres
Members: Marilyn Alverio, Ramón Arroyo, Andréa Comer, Avery Gaddis, Kelli Vallieres



Location: Microsoft TEAMS




Kelli-Marie Vallieres

Members Present:

Andréa Comer, Avery Gaddis

Members Absent:

Marilyn Alverio, Ramón Arroyo


Ginne-Rae Clay, Paige Rasid, Maureen Brierton Isabelle Wechsler


Bordonaro, Jennifer Mueller


Noting a quorum, Chairwoman Vallieres called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. 

Chairwoman Vallieres informed members that Three Rivers Community College is working on a curriculum regarding career pathways.


Chairwoman Comer requested a roll call; Paige Rasid called the roll.  At this time members Vallieres and Comer were only committee members presents.  Not enough members to constitute a quorum.  

OWC staff Fellow Isabelle Wechsler presented on Cannabis Career Pathways. Discussion amongst members ensued.


Council Member Avery Gaddis (AG) joined the meeting at 3:31pm.  SEC ED Clay noted Mr. Gaddis’ attendance constituted a quorum. 


Committee members reviewed and discussed the draft criteria for SE Workforce plans Chairwoman Vallieres noted that the work plan criteria included a scoring system.  She noted that other criteria (Income, Residency, SE Plan, and Ownership & Control) did not include a scoring system.  It was suggested that the scoring system be removed.  

In addition, Chairwoman Vallieres suggest that the following section of the draft workforce plan might fit better in another criteria. 


Please outline how your organization will utilize internal and external funding to reinvest in and support communities that have been impacted by the prohibition of cannabis. This need not be limited to workforce development nor the cannabis industry but should be targeted towards Disproportionately Impacted Areas.

Applicants should continuously support communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the prohibition of Cannabis. This need not be limited to workforce development nor the cannabis industry, but should be targeted towards Disproportionately Impacted Areas (e.g.,

place based economic development, community revitalization projects, etc.)


10 points


Chairwoman Comer agreed and suggested the section should be included in the Social Equity Plan Criteria.  Chairwoman Comer asked ED Clay to ensure this section be working into the Social Equity Plan criteria.  


Chairwoman Vallieres called for a motion to forward the draft Workforce Development Plan criteria to the full Council for consideration, with the removal of the following: 


  • Removal of the Scoring System 
  • The last section of the plan criteria be presented to the Policy Committee for consideration. 


    Chairwoman Comer made the motion.

    Member Gaddis seconded the motion.

    The motion was unanimously approved:

  • Comer, Gaddis, Vallieres

  • None opposed.

  • No abstentions


    Chairwoman Vallieres thanked  the committee


    Chairwoman Vallieres  called for a motion to adjourn


  • Chairwoman Comer  – Made the motion
  • Member Gaddis  – Seconded the motion


Meeting was adjourned  at 3:38 pm


The next Work Force Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th at 2:00 pm.

Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes