News and Announcements

Read time: 69 minutes

The Social Equity Council (SEC) posts public meetings on the CT Public Meeting Calendar, click here.



See also, the Cannabis News and Press Releases from the Dept. of Consumer Protection, click here.


Announcement - Social Equity Council's Statement in Response to Comptroller Scanlon's Report

Press Release


Announcement - Social Equity Council Appoints New Executive Director

Connecticut's Social Equity Council (SEC) announced today they have named Brandon McGee the new Executive Director of the SEC. McGee's background as a nonprofit leader, combined with a deep commitment to social equity and justice, will help to further advance the mission of the SEC.

Press Release


Announcement - SEC Launches Cannabis Workforce Development Survey

The Council invites you to participate in their survey on cannabis workforce development. The cannabis industry is rapidly growing, and understanding its workforce needs is crucial for fostering a thriving, equitable, sustainable sector. Your input will provide valuable insights into the current state and future opportunities of the cannabis workforce, helping shape policies, training programs, and support mechanisms that benefit all stakeholders.

This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time. Your participation is important as it will contribute significantly to our understanding and efforts in developing a robust cannabis workforce. Your responses are desired, important, and confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.

We are excited and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and valuable contribution to this important study. Let's work together to build a better future for the cannabis industry!

Complete survey


Announcement - Workforce Development Plan Updated Criteria and Scoring Rubric - Effective July 22, 2024

The Social Equity Council has revised the Workforce Development Plan Criteria and Scoring Rubric to incorporate elements that directly impact DIA (Disproportionately Impacted Area) employees.

Workforce Development Plan Criteria and Scoring Rubric


Announcement - Social Equity Plans Updated Criteria and Scoring Rubric - Effective July 1, 2024

Yesterday, Connecticut's Social Equity Council approved a scoring rubric and updated criteria for the Social Equity Plans. These documents are effective July 1, 2024.

Social Equity Plan Criteria

Scoring Rubric



Connecticut’s Social Equity Council today announced the launch of a new initiative to help people disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs learn more about entrepreneurial opportunities to own and operate a Cannabis business in the State of Connecticut.

Press release for Cannabis Workforce Training and Business Boot Camp programs



Announcement - Social Equity Applicant Listening Sessions with the Social Equity Council

Social Equity Applicants are invited to join the Social Equity Council for a series of Listening Sessions to share their experience, questions, and concerns. The first Listening Session will take place on:

Thursday, April 11th

6:00-8:00 pm

165 Capitol Avenue, Conference Room D

Hartford, CT 

The Council is committed to your success and wants to hear your feedback and experience as a Social Equity Applicant.

Registration is required for both in-person and virtual attendees. 

Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP by April 5th to ANA.ROSA@CT.GOV



 Announcement - Social Equity Plans

Click here for updated social equity plan technical assistance presentation.



The Social Equity Council seeks responses to the following scope of work from Trusted Community Messengers in the following municipalities: Ansonia, Bridgeport, Bristol, Meriden, Norwalk, and Norwich. Click here for RFQ.



The Social Equity Council seeks responses to the following scope of work from Trusted Community Messengers that have a background in racial equity and knowledge of the unique challenges that face communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. The Council will contract with 1 vendor for each municipality to organize and facilitate community conversations that will guide the Council in its development of a comprehensive strategic plan for broad based reinvestment in persons and communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition and enforcement. Click here for RFQ. 




Revised Social Equity Criteria

The Social Equity Council has revised the residency, income, and ownership and control criteria. The revised criteria was approved by the Council on November 8, 2023 and becomes effective on February 1, 2024. Please click on the following link to review the revised criteria to qualify for social equity status. 

Social Equity Criteria



Canna-Business Revolving Loan Fund

On August 29th, the Social Equity Council announced the launch of the Canna-Business Revolving Loan Fund (CBRLF). At that time, all social equity lottery applicants with a provisional license or final adult-use cannabis business license located in Connecticut were eligible to apply. We are pleased to announce that all remaining social equity licensed businesses such as cultivators and equity joint ventures may start to submit their applications for the CBRLF beginning December 1, 2023. 

All loan applications should be submitted to 



Increase in State Median Household Income

The current state median household income based on the data provided by the American Community Survey is $88,429.00, while three hundred percent (300%) of this average state median household is $265,287.00. Therefore, a Social Equity Individual, in addition to all individuals residing in the household, must have less than $265,287.00 in income each year during the three tax years immediately preceding the application in order to meet the income criteria. Income shall be calculated based on the adjusted gross income shown on tax documents submitted by the individual members of the household.

This update will apply to all applications that the Social Equity Council will consider on and after November 8, 2023. 


Community Reinvestment Survey

Reinvesting in communities disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs is the cornerstone of the work of the Social Equity Council (SEC). To support this reinvestment the SEC will use information gathered from this survey and a series of community conversations to develop a reinvestment plan that will bring much needed resources back into communities negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. Participants may access the survey by clicking here.

Press release for community reinvestment survey




The Social Equity Council and the Department of Economic and Community Development today announced the launch of the Canna-Business Revolving Loan Fund (CBRLF) that will provide licensed Connecticut social equity business owners with financial assistance, using a streamlined application process to expedite the approval process.

Press release for CBRLF Program





 2023 DIA Map

The Social Equity Council voted today to recertify the DIA Map by approving the 2023 recommended disproportionately impacted areas.  

The 2023 approved tracts have been published on the Connecticut Open Data Portal and can be found here.





Press release for 8-1 Vote





Connecticut’s Social Equity Council today announced that its awarding $6 million in grants through a Community Reinvestment Pilot Program. This funding will support 6 organizations across Connecticut to be used for the purposes of developing, expanding, and supporting programs that uplift communities and strengthen families disproportionately impacted by the “War on Drugs”.

Press release for Community Reinvestment Pilot Program





Press release for 5-24 Vote





Press release for 5-2 Vote





Press release for 4-3 Vote





Press release for 3-7 Vote




Social Equity Plans

Please see link below for Social Equity Plan Technical Assistance.  This document will show how to develop a social equity plan based on the criteria approved by the Council. The purpose of this document is to assist social equity licensees in developing a social equity plan that meets the criteria established by the SEC.

Social Equity Plan Technical Assistance Document




Press release for 2-7 Vote





Revised Social Equity Applicant Income and Residency Documents - Effective January 11, 2023






Press release for 1-24 Vote





Press release for 1-11 Vote





Have you been impacted by the criminalization of Cannabis? If you are 18 or older and you and/or a family member ever been arrested for selling or using drugs, specifically Cannabis (Weed), this research study may be for you. 






Connecticut’s Social Equity Council has selected Oaksterdam University, America’s first cannabis college, in partnership with reSET, the social impact-focused entrepreneurial support organization based in Hartford, to create and operate a Cannabis Business Accelerator Program in Connecticut. 

Press release





Press release for 12-6 Vote





Press release for 11-14 Vote





Press release for 11-1 Vote




2022 DIA Map

The Social Equity Council voted today to recertify the DIA Map by approving the 2022 recommended disproportionately impacted areas.  

The 2022 recommended tracts have been published on the Connecticut Open Data Portal and can be found here





Press release for 10-18 Vote



SEA - Ownership & Control Criteria Update



Press release for 9-26 Vote



Press release for 9-7 Vote



Press release for 8-12 Vote


Workforce Development Plan Criteria


Workforce Development Plan Criteria - Rubric


Cannabis Career Pathways


SEC Workforce Budget Template



Press Release for 7-28 Vote


Social Equity Council Policies and Procedures Pursuant to Section 21a-420h of the General Statutes Concerning the Sale or Change In Ownership or Control of a Social Equity Licensee





SEC Section 149 Vote Press Release 




2022 Legislative Update




Frequently Asked Questions





Cannabis Accelerator RFP

The State of Connecticut, represented by the Social Equity Council (SEC), is soliciting proposals from qualified independent organizations and individuals to set up a comprehensive cannabis accelerator program to provide expert cannabis industry focused business development and training curriculum with the purpose of equipping social equity qualified individuals with knowledge, tools, and information necessary to successfully understand and operate cannabis regulated business ventures in the state of Connecticut.


Click here to view the Cannabis Accelerator RFP


To bid on the RFP, you must be registered in CTSource. 

CTSource registration and bidding instructions maybe found by following the links below.

To find this solicitation go to the BID Board ( and search Cannabis, the SEC Cannabis Accelerator Program will come up.

Thank you for your interest in this RPF. 



Upcoming Webinars &
Office Hours



SEC is holding a series of webinars and office hours via Zoom (see dates and join links below) and the recordings are posted on YouTube.

 After you register, to join you can use the Zoom desktop client, the mobile app, or the web client.  To join: 

  1. Locate the meeting ID/webinar ID from your registration email. It may appear at the end of the phone dial-in information, or it will be in the join link, just after
  2. Sign in to the Zoom web client, desktop client or mobile app.
    Note: You do not need to be signed in to the Zoom client, but if not, you will need to provide a name and email address to join. If registration is required, you will need to complete registration and use the link to join the webinar. 
  3. Click or tap Join.
  4. Enter the webinar ID, and click Join or tap Join Meeting.
  5. If prompted, enter your name and email address, then click Join Webinar or tap Join.

SEC Meeting Recording
Social Equity Council: Meeting 5-3-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Draft minutes link:

Recording link:







Webinar Recording
Backers/Investors – What You Need to Know

In this, the eleventh webinar in the series, our speakers discussed backers/investors and what the backers/investors need to know. The presentation was followed by a Q&A period and was recorded. 







Webinar Recording
Finding Canna-Business Capital 

In this, our tenth webinar in the series, our speakers discussed accessing capital and funding your business. The presentation was followed by Q&A  and was recorded. 







Webinar Recording
Business Plan Preparation and Marketing Your Business at Noon on 4/11/2022

In this, our ninth webinar in the series, our speakers provided an overview of Business Plan Preparation and Marketing Your Business. The presentation was followed by a Q&A period and was recorded.

Recording Link:



SEC Meeting Recording
Social Equity Council: Meeting 4-5-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Recording link:

Approved minutes link:




Webinar Recording
Ready for Canna-Business  at Noon on 4/4/2022

In this our eighth webinar in the series, our speakers discussed the cannabis business. The presentation was followed by a Q&A period and was be recorded.

Recording Link:



Webinar Recording
Bullet Points for Cannabis  at Noon on 3/31/2022

In this webinar series, our speaker discussed the overview bullet points for cannabis.

The presentation was followed by a Q&A period and was be recorded.

Recording Link:






Office Hours Recording - 
Ownership at 4:00 P.M. on 3/17/2022

Recording Link:






Office Hours Recording
Income Requirements at 4:00 P.M. on 3/15/2022

Recording Link:






Webinar Event Recording
Lottery Process  at Noon on 3/15/2022

In this our seventh webinar in the series, our speakers will provide an overview of the Lottery Process for a cannabis establishment license application. This presentation will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A period and will be recorded.

Recording Link:






Office Hours Recording
Residency Requirement, as presented at Noon on 3/8/2022

Recording Link:



Webinar Event Recording
Required Documents for Application II, as presented at 6:00pm on 3/8/2022

In this repeat of our sixth webinar in the series, our speakers will provide an overview of the required documents for a cannabis establishment license application. This presentation will be followed by a 30 minute Q&A period and will be recorded.

Recording Link:



Webinar Event Recording
Required Documents for Application at noon on 3/2/2022

In the sixth webinar in the series, our speakers provided an overview of the required documents for a cannabis establishment license application. This presentation was followed by a Q&A period. 

Recording Link:




Webinar Event Recording
Application Process at 6:00pm on 3/1/2022

In this repeat of our fifth webinar in the series, our speakers provided an overview of the cannabis application process and timeline, and the major steps and requirements from applicants at each step of the process. This presentation was followed by a Q&A period. 

Recording Link:



SEC Meeting Recording
Social Equity Council: Meeting 3-1-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Recording link:

Approved minutes link:




Webinar Event Recording

Application Process at noon on 2/23/22 

In this fifth webinar in the series, our speakers provided an overview of the cannabis application process and timeline, and the major steps and requirements from applicants at each step of the process. This presentation was followed by a Q&A period.

Recording Link:




Webinar Event Recording
Cannabis Licensing, 6-7:00 pm on 2/22/22

In this webinar, our speaker provided an overview of the different types of licenses that will be available and an overview of the unique application requirements for each license type. This presentation was followed by a 30 minute Q&A period and was recorded.

The fourth in a series of webinars on social equity in CT's cannabis industry. 

Recording link:




SEC Meeting Recording

Social Equity Council: Special Meeting 2-17-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Recording link:

Approved minutes link:






Webinar Event Recording 
Cannabis Licensing, noon - 1pm on 2/16/22

In this third webinar in the series, our speakers provided an overview of the cannabis industry and different cannabis businesses, the different types of licenses that will be available and an overview of the unique application requirements for each license type. This presentation was followed by a 30 minute Q&A period and was recorded.

The third in a series of webinars on social equity in CT's cannabis industry. 

Recording Link:



2/3/2022   and 




Webinar Event Recording
Financing your Cannabis Business

What was covered: Startup Business Loans, Lines Of Credit, Private & Micro Lenders, Crowd Funding, Personal Friends & Family Funding

The second in a series of webinars on social equity in CT's cannabis industry. 

Recording link:






Webinar Event Recording
Social Equity Council: Understanding the Basics,

What was covered: Overview of Social Equity Council Cannabis License Types, Understanding the Lottery

The first in a series of webinars on social equity in CT's cannabis industry. 

Recording link:




Announcements from DCP - Applications for certain cannabis licenses are now available.

Visit the DCP site:



SEC Meeting Recording
Social Equity Council: Meeting 2-1-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Recording link:  Video can be found on and the link is

Approved minutes link:



SEC Meeting Recording
Social Equity Council: Meeting 1-4-22

What was covered: Please see agenda below.

Agenda link:

Recording link:  Video can be found on and the link is

Approved minutes link:





Announcement - Consumer Protection Announces Date for First Application Period for Adult-Use Cannabis Licenses





Documents for income and residency requirements, workforce development requirements, ownership control requirements, and social equity plan requirements, as approved by the Social Equity Council




Event - Open Community Forum Information Session (.pdf) - in Hartford at Nuestra Casa




 Announcement - Conditional Approval of documents required for Social Equity Applicants.



Press Release - Social Equity Council Approves Ownership and Control Requirements, Social Equity Plan Criteria and Workforce Development Plan Requirements





Infographic (.pdf) - Opening a Social Equity Cannabis Business in CT - Ready to start a cannabis business in CT?  Here's what you need to know.


News and Announcements