Special Education

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  • Special Education Updates

    Archived topical special education memoranda, articles from the Bureau of Special Education’s trade periodical, and the state of the art Web-based Bureau Bulletin.

  • Specific Learning Disability and SLD/Dyslexia

    This page contains information on the identification/assessment, instruction/intervention, and resources for educating students with SLD, including SLD/Dyslexia.

  • State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)

    Connecticut’s SPP/APR is a multi-year plan that describes and reports on the state’s performance on 17 compliance-based and results-based indicators in special education.

  • State Systemic Improvement Plan SSIP

    The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) is part of OSEP’s Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) initiative to improve results for children with disabilities by improving educational services, including special education and related services.

  • Surrogate Parent Program

    The Surrogate Parent Program is a federally mandated program that provides educational advocacy services for children and youth under the jurisdiction of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) (foster children) or an unaccompanied minor or homeless youth, who need or may need special education.