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  • Child Labor

    This topic can be integrated into unit on innovation and capitalism in 20th century in a grade 8 or 10 classroom.

  • A Land of Opportunity

    This topic can be integrated into unit on industrialization, the market economy and company towns for 8th grade/10th grade

  • African Americans in Industry

    This topic can be integrated into unit on industrialization, the market economy and company towns for 8th grade/10th grade

  • Ivory and Company Towns

    This topic can be integrated into unit on industrialization, the market economy and company towns for 8th grade/10th grade.

  • Connecticut Labor and Working Class History

    Lesson plans, resources, and materials for teachers about the history of labor and business in Connecticut.

  • Introduction

    This essay provides an overview of labor/business history in Connecticut. This essay may be utilized by educators teaching labor history as subject knowledge enrichment and may be provided to students as an overview of this topic

  • Lesson Plans — Business

  • Additional Resources

  • Assistive Technology Guidelines-Executive Summary

    The 2013 Connecticut Assistive Technology (AT) Guidelines provides both school districts and Birth to Three service providers guidance to ensure that all children identified for AT services have access to AT through a framework for making decisions about the AT needs of children and students with disabilities.

  • Section 1: Guidelines for Ages 3-22

    Section 1 of the Assistive Technology Guidelines for Ages 3-22 enables school districts to make informed decisions about AT considerations, implementation, and evaluation for their students, factoring in administrative support and professional development.

  • Student Assessment News

    The Student Assessment News is a publication by the Performance Office that provides information about the NGSS Science Test (including CTAS), The Smarter Balanced Assessment, The Connecticut SAT School Day, The Connecticut Alternate Assessment and the English Language Proficiency Assessment.

  • Foundations of Reading Survey

    This webpage provides information for district administrators and teachers about the implementation and administration of the reading survey, as mandated in Section 13 of Public Act 13-245.

  • Aspiring Educators Seeking Certification

  • About the Collection: TCS

    The Teacher-Course-Student (TCS) application collects student, teacher and course data. Analyses of TCS data can greatly inform school and district strategists to increase the college and career readiness of all learners. This data allows districts to make informed decisions about the current state of instruction and learning as well as the ways in which both can be improved, monitored and shared.

  • RSCO Homepage

    The Regional School Choice Office (RSCO) was created in partnership with operator districts to manage the Open Choice and magnet school choice process in response to the Milo Sheff, et al. v. William O’Neill, et al case and the decision in 1997.