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  • Menu Planning Guidance for School Meals for Grades K-12

    This webpage offers a series of guides that contain comprehensive information and guidance on planning menus to meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s meal patterns for grades K-12 in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP.

  • Procurement for School Nutrition Programs

    Guidance on complying with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's procurement requirements for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP.

  • Paraeducator of the Year 2020 Ceremony

    Photo gallery of the paraeducator of the year 2020 ceremony

  • School Paraprofessional Advisory Council

    School paraprofessional advisory council reports, agendas and minutes

  • African Americans in Industry

    This topic can be integrated into unit on industrialization, the market economy and company towns for 8th grade/10th grade

  • School-Family-Community Partnerships

    When schools, families and the community work together, children benefit. School staff, families and community members each make important contributions to student development and success, and the best results come when all three work together as equal partners.

  • Approved Private Special Education Programs

    Special education programs in private facilities with Connecticut State Board of Education approval as private special education programs, including private day and residential schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and treatment centers.

  • Student Assessment News

    The Student Assessment News is a publication by the Performance Office that provides information about the NGSS Science Test (including CTAS), The Smarter Balanced Assessment, The Connecticut SAT School Day, The Connecticut Alternate Assessment and the English Language Proficiency Assessment.

  • EdKnowledge - Strategies and Resources for Building a Racially, Ethnically, and Linguistically Diverse Educator Workforce

    A Collection of Strategies and Resources for Building a Diverse Educator Workforce.

  • Recognition and Excellence

    Recognition programs demonstrate respect for educators. Meaningful, thoughtful educator appreciation programs is about valuing efforts and having respect for who educators are and what educators do while giving students, districts and school communities public recognition and a sense of pride. The Talent Office is proud to be a part of the following state and national recognition efforts.

  • Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program

    The TEAM Program is a two-year induction program for new teachers that includes mentorship and professional development support that new educators need to be successful. Learning to teach is a developmental process that begins during preservice and continues throughout a teacher’s career.

  • Chronic Absence

    Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.


    AENGLC, more specifically AENGLC rank, is used in determining the state support percentages for reimbursement under adult education, school construction, pupil transportation and health services.

  • Intermediate Administration or Supervision #092

    The requirements, regulations and upgrade path for the Intermediate Administration or Supervision endorsement (092).

  • Connecticut COVID-19 Education Research Collaborative (CCERC)

    CCERC is a collaboration of researchers from universities across Connecticut