Interactive Data Portal
Data, statistics, and reports about schools, districts, and the state
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Grade 4: Coming to America - A Nation of Immigrants (1820-Present)
Grade 4: Building Background Knowledge—Animal Defenses and the Research Process
Community Engagement - Mastery-Based Learning
Engaging communities is an essential step in the conversion from a traditional, time-based system to a personalized, competency-based one. The following resources may be helpful to developing a community engagement strategy and communications capacity.
Nondiscrimination statements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Connecticut State Department of Education.
About the Collection: ED166 Student Disciplinary Offense Data Collection
The ED166 is the Student Disciplinary Offense Data Collection. Districts are required to submit specific incidents to CSDE annually. CSDE then uses this data to satisfy various federal mandates.
Cultivating an Interest in Teaching
Conditions and challenges for increasing interest in teaching for teachers of color and promising practices for addressing this stage of the pipeline.
A Collection of Strategies and Resources for Building a Diverse Educator Workforce.