Interactive Data Portal
Data, statistics, and reports about schools, districts, and the state
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Information on the state and federal requirements for beverages available for saleto students in public schools, private schools, and residential child care institutions.
Chart 2: What Does High Impact Family Engagement Look Like in Elementary Schools?
Chart 3: What Does High-Impact Family Engagement Look Like in After School Programs?
Chart 4: What Does High Impact Family Engagement Look Like in Middle and High Schools?
Connecticut Interim Assessments: Smarter Balanced and Next Generation Science
This page provides information about The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments for mathematics and English language arts (ELA)/literacy. They are available to students in Grades 3 – 8 and high school. The interim Assessments are one of the three components of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System—along with the end-of-year summative assessments in ELA/literacy and mathematics, and a digital library of formative assessment tools and practices that support classroom instruction.
World language programs in Connecticut public schools include Spanish, French, Latin, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Arabic and Greek. The effort has been to start programs as early as possible in the elementary grades.
State Department of Education and Department of Public Health Release "Finish Strong" Guidance
Early Childhood Special Education
In Connecticut, special education and related services are available to eligible children by age 3 and are provided by local and regional school districts.
About the Collection: Assessment Accommodations
As a result of the administration of the Connecticut Statewide Summative Assessments, there are several data collections that are used to collect Accommodation information for the Smarter Balanced Assessments, the NGSS Science Test and the Connecticut SAT School Day.
About the Collection: Directory Manager
DM is the official listing of all districts, schools and other educational facilities. DM is used to manage users and their roles for all Portal Applications.
About the Collection: Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)
The ECO data collection is required for all applicable students with an IEP at least 3 years of age and in the preschool grade.
Section 1: Guidelines for Ages 3-22
Section 1 of the Assistive Technology Guidelines for Ages 3-22 enables school districts to make informed decisions about AT considerations, implementation, and evaluation for their students, factoring in administrative support and professional development.