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The following endorsements are classified as special services: Speech and Language Pathologist (#061), School Counselor (#068, School Psychologist (#070), School Social Worker (#071), School Nurse-Teacher (#072), School Dental Hygienist-Teacher (#073).
Ansonia High School Teacher Surprised with $25,000 Honor Connecticut Educator Laura Baker-Coronis Receives Prestigious Milken Family Foundation Award
Education Commissioner Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, East Hartford Public Schools and the University of Saint Joseph Celebrate Partnership to Educate the Next Generation of Teachers
Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are run independently of the school district and may also have a specialized focus. Charters are granted by the State Board of Education and schools may enroll students in Grades PK-12 as established in their charters.
Priority School District Grants
Priority School District Grants, Priority Schools
School Improvement Grants
Field Trips: Guidance for School Nurses
These guidelines provide school nurses and school districts with information, resources, and guidance needed to develop safe plans for the health care needs all students on field trips. School nurses should use these guidelines in conjunction with their individual school district policies and procedures.
Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs
The Connecticut State Department of Education's (CSDE) Accommodating Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs provides information and guidance for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) school nutrition programs on providing meals for children with special dietary needs, based on federal laws and USDA regulations. School nutrition programs include the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).
Commissioner Russell-Tucker Launches 3rd Annual PK-12 School Staff Appreciation Digital Backpack
Governor Lamont Announces Survey Results of School Districts Participating in the COVID-19 Screen and Stay Initiative
Governor Lamont Announces More Than 90 Percent of School Employees
Governor Lamont Announces More Than 90 Percent of School Employees