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  • Research Library

    The CSDE is committed to continuously learning from data and experience to implement evidence-based educational policies and practices that result in improved student outcomes.

  • International Assessments

    This page provides information about the full range of international assessments that are administered in Connecticut schools periodically.

  • Health Services Program Information Survey Reports

    Results of a yearly survey on school health services in Connecticut’s public schools.

  • World Languages

    World language programs in Connecticut public schools include Spanish, French, Latin, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Arabic and Greek. The effort has been to start programs as early as possible in the elementary grades.

  • District Facilitator Annual Timeline

    The timeline presented here lists all the major TEAM milestones during the year. For each milestone we provide the details, suggestions and best practices that have proven to assist in the timely submission of reflection papers, building reviewer and mentoring capacity and processing of TEAM allocations.

  • Early Childhood, PreK-Grade 3

    The time between birth through grade 3 is considered the early childhood developmental period. The Connecticut State Department of Education provides guidance and resources for public schools beginning in preK.

  • Program Guidance for CACFP Child Care Programs

    Links to information on federal and state requirements and guidance for child care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, emergency shelters, and family day care homes participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's CACFP.

  • Increasing Educator Diversity (IED) Policy Oversight Council

    Advise the Commissioner of Education on ways to encourage minority middle and secondary school students to attend institutions of higher education and enter teacher preparation programs, recruit minority students attending institutions of higher education to enroll in teacher preparation programs and pursue teaching careers, recruit and retain minority teachers in Connecticut schools, recruit minority teachers from other states to teach in Connecticut schools, and recruit minority professionals in other fields to enter teaching.

  • Commissioner's Roundtable for Family and Community Engagement in Education

    The purpose of the Commissioner's Roundtable for Family and Community Engagement in Education (Commissioner's Roundtable) is to advise the Commissioner of Education regarding policy and programmatic priorities to improve outcomes for all students and advance the State Board of Education's comprehensive plan for equity and excellence in Connecticut schools.

  • Professional Learning - Leadership

    Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student requires and develops leadership capacity at all levels to advocate for and create systems for professional learning.

  • Professional Learning - Learning Designs

    Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student integrates research on effective adult learning and uses flexible learning designs to achieve intended outcomes.

  • Professional Learning - Resources

    Professional learning that enhances both educator practice and outcomes for each and every student requires purposeful planning for the identification, coordination, monitoring, evaluation, and equitable use and allocation of resources to support educator learning.

  • The Student Learning Goals/Objectives Process

    The process begins before the start of the new school year with the superintendent identifying the instructional priorities for the district, which informs the instructional priorities of each school and thus informs the administrator’s student learning priorities. Teacher then examine their own student data and set goals to address the learning priorities identified by their administrators.

  • ESSA Student Transition Resources – PreK to Kindergarten

    Practical, user-friendly resources that will promote bridge building between early childhood and elementary school domains and better support our youngest students and their families during this critical transition point.

  • Sensible Assessment Practices Webinar Series