Press Releases
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- 4/18/2016 Department of Education launches new interactive data portal
- 3/10/2016 Officials mark 50th anniversary of School Breakfast Program
- 3/2/2016 Connecticut launches next generation accountability system designed to provide more holistic picture of school performance
- 3/1/2016 Gov. Malloy: SAT exam to be used in place of the 11th-grade test for the first time Wednesday
- 2/25/2016 Gov. Malloy and Education Commissioner Wentzell announce new step to reduce state testing
- 2/24/2016 2016-17 RSCO Lottery On-Time Application Deadline Monday, February 29, 2016
- 1/29/2016 State Bond Commission Approves $10.9 Million in Technology Grants for Schools Across Connecticut
- 1/26/2016 State Department of Education seeking applications for summer meal sponsors
- 1/19/2016 Gov. Malloy: Connecticut Schools Reaching New Milestones
- 1/12/2016 Connecticut teacher named finalist for 2016 national teacher of the year
- 1/8/2016 Connecticut among top 5 states in nation on school quality report
- 1/5/2016 Regional School Choice Fair Saturday, Jan. 9
- 12/9/2015 CT Education Commissioner Wentzell Issues Statement Following Senate Passage of Every Student Succeeds Act
- 12/1/2015 Regional School Choice Fair Saturday, December 5
- 11/23/2015 Child and Adult Care Food Program — Day Care Home Providers