Press Releases
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- 9/12/2017 State Department of Education to Hold Regional Conference
- 8/15/2017 Connecticut's Plan for Every Student Succeeds Act Receives Federal Approval
- 8/1/2017 SAT Scores Up in English Language Arts and Mathematics
- 7/14/2017 State Test Scores Up Slightly in Mathematics
- 6/1/2017 Schools Recognized for Participating in Groundbreaking Civics Education Program
- 5/19/2017 Governor Malloy Kicks Off 2017 Summer Reading Program
- 5/18/2017 Connecticut Great Teachers Essay Contest Winner and Finalists
- 5/16/2017 Departments of Education and Veterans Affairs Announce New Program to Recognize Schools that Educate Students about Veterans’ Contributions
- 5/15/2017 Norwich school receives Green Ribbon honors from U.S. Department of Education
- 5/2/2017 Gov. Malloy Announces Six-year High School Graduation Rate Reaches Historic High, Graduation Gaps Closing
- 4/28/2017 Commissioner Wentzell Congratulates U.S. Presidential Scholars Program Semifinalists from Connecticut
- 4/19/2017 Gov. Malloy and Commissioner Wentzell Release State Guide to Help School Districts in Their Efforts to Further Reduce Chronic Absenteeism and Increase Attendance
- 4/13/2017 Hartford Region School Choice Lottery Will Proceed in May; State Continuing Efforts to Strengthen Diversity in Schools, Create Greater Access for Black and Hispanic Students
- 4/10/2017 Gov. Malloy Announces Statewide Graduation Rates Increase for Sixth Year in a Row, Reach Record High
- 4/5/2017 Connecticut Board of Education Votes to Preserve Role of State Mastery Test in Educator Goal-Setting, Professional Development