LEA Email Digest

This page organizes the contents of emails sent in the 2022-23 school year by topic. Content is updated as applicable.
Capstone Course Code

CTE Clusters


Mid-Year Reporting

Report Updates

Rounding Credits

Student Achievement Module (SAM)

SCED Codes


Working Days


Capstone Course Code

If the capstone course is topic focused, CSDE suggests using either the “Independent Study” code or the “Workplace Experience” code for the subject that best fits the material, otherwise use the miscellaneous code. Several examples of recommended course codes are on the FAQ page of the Help Site.

CTE Clusters

The Career Technical Education Course Codes & Clusters have been updated.


  • All data must be reported by July 11, 2023. Your LEA will then have until August 25 to review, finalize and certify your submission. Approved Private Special Education Programs (APSEPs) also have a July 11 deadline, except in the case of an Extended School Year (ESY).

Mid-Year Reporting

If your LEA includes a high school that offers half-year courses, your LEA is strongly encouraged to report those courses at this time. Half-year coursed are an area that is often under reported, thus effecting the Next Generation Indicators. Data is not due until July 11, so you may report these courses at any time, this is an optional recommendation.

Report Updates

  • Missing SASIDs Report: The logic has been updated to more accurately capture students enrolled 90 days or more (thus required to be reported).
  • Facility Code 1 Report: This report has been greatly simplified by only including the count of students reported, the count of records reported, and the counts of students not reported. The missing student count will match the students listed on the Missing SASIDs Report.
    • The bottom of this report will now include a note for all users indicating if your LEA is able to certify. This means if you have the LEA User role only you will know if your administrator will be able to certify when they log in.
  • Certification:
    • Overrides: In prior years almost every LEA needed an override to certify due to the logic behind the Facility 1 report. Overrides required a manual check of the data cleaning reports, thus a slow process during the busy collection season. The Certification logic will now automatically look for the following criteria:
      • The Duplicate Records report must be blank.
      • The Available Credits versus Course Credits Earned report must be blank.
      • There should only be 5 or less records for any facility on the Missing SASID report.
  • Reports Menu: Reports required to be cleared prior to Certification are now grouped at the top of the page

Rounding Credits

As a reminder, three-digit decimal places are not accepted. The second character in both the Course Credit Earned field and Available Credit portion of the Course Code field must be a decimal. LEAs are advised to round.

EXAMPLE: Round 0.125 to 0.13

Student Achievement Module (SAM)

  • The SAM module is now open, and documentation has been updated.
  • CSDE will continue to collect only Seal of Bilitercy data in 2022-23, no additional credentials will be added this school year.

SCED Codes


Working Days

  • A Working Day is an opportunity to bring a laptop and your files to upload for the current collections (TCS, ED166 and PSIS).  If you are a newer user, this may be especially beneficial for you as you can be assisted with the process on the spot. Experienced users are also welcome to attend as this will allow you to dedicate a block of time to your collections.

  • Check the Training page for current information.