Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs

Meal Pattern Exemption for RCCIs

with Multiple Age Groups

The USDA allows residential child care institutions (RCCIs) that meet certain criteria to serve one meal pattern even when the ages/grades being served span more than one age/grade group.

Exemption Criteria

The exemption to allow one meal pattern for multiple age/grade groups is allowed when the RCCI meets one of the two conditions below.

  1. The RCCI meets the following three criteria:
    • is a juvenile detention or correctional facility;
    • consists of more than one age/grade group; and
    • has legitimate safety concerns or state juvenile justice laws or regulations related to offering meals with varying amounts of food within the same meal period.
  2. The RCCI is not a juvenile detention or correctional facility but can demonstrate operational limitations to separating age/grade groups and can show legitimate safety concerns if students are served meals with different portion sizes.

Written Waiver Request

RCCIs that meet the exemption criteria above must submit a written waiver request to the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) using the CSDE's Meal Pattern Exception Request Form.
