Video Resources - SESS
Video Libraries
- Teaching Channel CCSS Video Library offers useful supports for implementing the Common Core State Standards. The site includes 256 videos that are useful for communications opportunities or professional learning and also includes many lesson plans for teachers that include videos of the CCSS instructional shifts in action. (teachingchannel.org)
- Video Playlist: Educating Digital Citizens (Teaching Channel)
Professional Development
- iTunes U Courses, Created by Teachers for Teachers - These iTunes U courses were developed by a group of classroom teachers to explain the Shifts in ELA / Literacy and mathematics required by the Common Core. Presented in partnership with The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), they showcase a combination of materials from achievethecore.org as well as additional curated resources and interactive activities. These courses were designed to provide a robust self-learning opportunity for individual teachers and to offer high-quality, credible materials that can be used to support professional learning communities in schools. (achievethecore.org)
- Video: Common Core State Standards for ELA for the Elementary grades (Teaching Channel)
- Video: Common Core State Standards for ELA and for the High School grades (Teaching Channel)
- This 14 minute video introduces the Common Core State Standards for Math (Teaching Channel)
- The Common Core Shifts—This video by Student Achievement Partners focuses on the Common Core shifts in mathematics.
- Effects of Providing Teachers With Information About Their Students' Reading Progress Special Topic: Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention Abstract. Monitoring the learning progress of at-risk students positively affects learning growth. This study transfers the approach of learning progress assessment (LPA) to general education in Germany and investigates the effects of information about reading progress and additional teacher training on student achievement. (nasponline.org)
- RTI Webinar: Implementing the CCSS for Students with Learning Disabilities (RTI Action Network)
- The Center on Technology and Disability: This is a free, new resource for state and local education leaders that focuses on assistive and instructional technology and that supports learners with disabilities; it is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, OSEP. (ctdinstitute.org)
- Unleashing the Power of Innovation for Assistive Technology- Webinar Series: This series of 2 webinars, led by Alise Brann and Tracy Gray of the American Institutes for Research (AIR), discusses AT use in school districts. Part 1 focuses on current use of AT and where the field is going. Part 2 is dedicated to sharing survey results and comments from stakeholders in the field on the future of state of the art assistive technology. (ctdinstitute.org/library)
- Webinar:"Transition to the CCSS for Teachers of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities" Aligning Instruction to Standards (ccsso.org)