COVID-19 Resources for Families and Educators
2023-2024 School Guidance
Health and Safety Update
The Commissioner is repurposing this month’s Third Friday Call with Superintendents scheduled for this Friday for a discussion with our partners from the State Department of Public Health (DPH) to review current recommendations for schools regarding COVID-19 and the upcoming fall respiratory virus season. Superintendents, with appropriate staff, along with local health directors are invited to join for this health and safety update and the CSDE and DPH will be available to address any questions you may have. The call will take place on Friday, September 15, from 8:30-9:30 a.m. A Teams meeting link to join the call will be sent to you shortly.
November 30, 2023
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) launched AccelerateCT to help develop a statewide education recovery and acceleration framework and programming for students across the state beginning with enhanced learning and enrichment opportunities.
- Download Connecticut’s Framework for Accelerating Educational Opportunity and Access
- Marco de Connecticut para acelerar las oportunidades y el acceso educativos
Professional Support Webinar Series
Please visit our Professional Support Series pages for Families and Districts. You can register for upcoming webinars, review recorded webinars and resources as we learn together.
Webinar Series for Districts
Webinar Series for Families
Additional Resources
- Flexible Staffing
- State Board of Education Actions