The Center's Right to Read Legislative Timeline


  • Develop a list of CT approved K-3 research-based universal screening reading
  • Review and approve evidence-based K-3 reading curriculum models and programs


  • Review and grant requests for time extensions to implement approved K-3 reading
    curriculum models and programs
  • Review and grant waivers to disticts and Charter Schools implementing an evidence-
    based reading curriculum model or program


  • Consult with Reading Leadership Implementation Council to assist districts in reaching full implementation by July 1, 2025
  • Assist districts and Charter Schools in creating a literacy plan aligned to the CT K-3 Literacy
    Strategy and MTSS
  • Lead the creation of a state literacy plan (SLP)


  • Provide support to implement an approved K-3 reading curriculum model or program through professional learning, coaching, technical assistance, and guidance documents
  • Highlight schools and educators implementing an approved K-3 reading curriculum model or program and using evidence-based strategies


  • By July 1, districts and Charter Schools implement an approved K-3 reading curriculum model or program and notify the Center of their choice
  • By September 1, Center will post the CT approved K-3 reading curriculum model or program that districts and Charter Schools have implemented (updated biennially)
  • By October 1, Center staff will begin to conduct independent random reviews of the implementation of CT approved K-3 reading curriculum models and programs