LEAP Learning Framework

L e a r n e r D e m o n s t r a t e d Learner Demonstrated L e a r n e r F o c u s e d Learner Focused L e a r n e r L e d Learner Led L e a r n e r C o n n e c t e d Learner Connected A d v ancing E qui t y

*Adapted from the LEAP Learning Framework

Learner Connected

Learning transcends location in relevant and innovative ways, connected to families, educators, communities and other identified student networks to provide a strong web of care. The networks that surround young people shape their career ambitions and pathways, regardless of students’ aptitude in particular disciplines.


  • Network to cultivate and increase relationships
  • Collaborate with teachers, peers and experts in the field
  • Are engaged in accelerated learning experiences to develop
  • Academic Skills and Knowledge
  • Social, Emotional Health coping skills
  • Community Civic Engagement skills
  • Workplace skill development
  • Global collaboration and communication skills

Learner Led

Learners are empowered to take ownership of their learning.


  • Articulate goals, strengths, needs, interest
  • Partner with parents and teachers in goal setting and develop a pathway for learning
  • Assess monitor and reflection progress
  • Advocate for their learning and needed support from teachers, technology and other resources

Learner Demonstrated

Learners can progress at their own pace based on demonstrated mastery.


  • Engage in challenging learning experiences based on prior knowledge and learning needs
  • Engage in productive struggle
  • Progress at a pace that fits learning needs
  • Advance or go deeper after demonstrating mastery
  • Demonstrate evidence of learning in multiple ways
  • Recognize the importance of mastering a skill over traditional measures for demonstrating mastery

Learner Focused

Learners are empowered to develop and reflect on their understanding of their needs, strengths, and interests.

Learners: Deepen understanding of personal and academic needs, strengths, passions and interests, their physical and mental health, social and emotional needs and 21st Century and beyond executive functioning skills.