Social Emotional Learning Hub Resources

CSDE Social Emotional Learning

Connecticut State Department of Education believes that the Social-emotional development of all learners contributes to their academic and career success. Together we can help  students understand and respect themselves and others, acquire effective interpersonal skills, understand safety and resilience skills, and develop into contributing members of society.

Common Sense Education

SEL in Digital Life Resource Center:  Support your students' social and emotional learning as they navigate the digital world. This resource center provides everything you need to implement SEL in digital life in your school or classroom. Here you'll find CASEL-aligned 15 min- quick activities, family conversation starters, and professional development resources, all of which align with the core themes and lessons from our free K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum.

The Parent Toolkit

The Parent Toolkit is a “one-stop shop” resource that was produced and developed with parents in mind. Produced by NBC News Learn and supported by Pearson and includes information about almost every aspect of your child’s development, because they're all connected.