Professional Learning Opportunities

Connecticut’s Partnership for Literacy Success and the Connecticut Literacy Model  

Connecticut Literacy Model logoThe goal of Connecticut’s Partnership for Literacy Success (Partnership) is to directly address the reading opportunity gap in Connecticut and support literacy success for all students through the deliverance of the Connecticut Literacy Model (CTLM).

The Partnership represents an on-going, unique collaboration between the CSDE, the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus of the Connecticut General Assembly; the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut, the Connecticut Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity, and Opportunity; the HILL for Literacy; and Literacy How.

Funded by the CSDE, the Partnership’s team of expert reading coaches, trainers, and evaluators work directly with Alliance and Opportunity Districts to implement the CTLM and actualize the State Board of Education’s goals, priorities, and vision for improving student reading achievement in our state and building evidence-based literacy structures and practices.


ReadConn Professional Learning Series (ReadConn)

Read Conn logoReadConn is an ongoing virtual professional learning series provided by the CSDE in partnership with Public Consulting Group (PCG), to assist teachers in identifying students’ needs related to critical early literacy skills and delivering explicit instruction. The learning content is designed specifically to support K-3 general education teachers, including teachers of multilingual learners, and K-3 special education teachers. This series increases expertise in identifying necessary foundational skills, spotting student skills gaps, and monitoring students' progress to create a solid foundation in early literacy skills. The program consists of school teams that include one school-based administrator, one literacy leader (school-based individual with a formal literacy role, responsible for supporting K-3 teachers in their professional learning in reading skills and knowledge), and at least three teachers currently teaching Grades K-3. Cohorts are involved for one school year. The ReadConn: A K-3 Reading Skills Professional Learning Series Frequently Asked Questions document provides answers to a variety of questions gathered from individuals about ReadConn.

Region 2 Comprehensive Center (R2CC) Networked Improvement Community

Comprehensive Center Network logoThe Region 2 Comprehensive Center (R2CC) in partnership with the CSDE designed and provided a networked improvement community (NIC) during the 2023-23 school year that supported a cohort of five small districts across Connecticut. Through this NIC, school teams engaged in professional learning and site-based coaching focused on the inclusion of evidence-based literacy structures and practices. The R2CC is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.


The Science of Reading Masterclass  

The Science of Reading logoThe Science of Reading Masterclass is a statewide professional learning and coaching model developed by the CSDE and the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) to develop local capacity for the science of reading and components of comprehensive K-3 literacy instruction.

The Masterclass is designed to assist cohorts of districts statewide by empowering and supporting district literacy leadership teams in deepening their knowledge of the science of reading and building aligned systemic practices.

District Literacy Leadership Teams participate in in-person plenary events led by state and national reading experts with follow-up individualized support from Executive and Reading Coaches and English Language Learner and Special Education consultants.

Acting as thought partners, coaches and consultants assist districts to build systemic evidence-based literacy practices aligned to the Science of Reading through a variety of structures, including district meetings, building/classroom walk-throughs, online learning modules, and affinity circles to support student literacy proficiency.