CHET Advisory Committee

State law establishes a CHET Advisory Committee, which shall meet at least once a year. Membership includes the State Treasurer; the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education; the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; the co-chairpersons and ranking members of the General Assembly Committees on Education and Finance, Revenue & Bonding; one student financial aid officer and one finance officer at a public institution of higher education in the state, each appointed by the Board of Regents for Higher Education; and one student financial aid officer and one finance officer at an independent institution of higher education in the state, each appointed by the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges.

Current Members

STATE REP. JEFF CURREYHouse Co-Chair, Education Committee
STATE SEN. DOUGLAS MCCRORY, Senate Co-Chair, Education Committee
STATE REP. KATHLEEN M. MCCARTY, Ranking Member, Education Committee 
STATE SEN. ERIC C. BERTHEL, Ranking Member, Education 
STATE REP. MARIA HORN, House Co-Chair, Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee
STATE SEN. JOHN W. FONFARA, Senate Co-Chair, Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee 
STATE REP. HOLLY H. CHEESEMAN, Ranking Member, Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee
STATE SEN. HENRI MARTIN, Ranking Member, Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee
KERRY KELLEY, CFO, Connecticut State Community College
TIMOTHY D. LARSON, Executive Director, Office of Higher Education
STEVEN MCDOWELL JR., Associate Vice President for Financial Aid Services and Title IX Services, Connecticut State Community College
JULIE SAVINO, Executive Director, University Financial Assistance, Sacred Heart University
PATRICK TORRE, Vice President of Finance, University of New Haven
HOLLY WILLIAMS, Fiscal and Program Policy Section Director, Office of Policy and Management


CHET Yearly Advisory Board Meeting 2024 - Agenda - 12/2/24


CHET Yearly Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Draft 2024 - Minutes 
2023 - Minutes 
   2022 - Minutes 
 2021 - Minutes

2020 - Minutes

2019 - Draft Minutes

2018 -Draft Minutes

2017 -Draft Minutes

2016 -Minutes

2015 -Minutes

2014 -Minutes

2013 -Minutes

2012 -Minutes

2011 -Minutes

2010 -Minutes

2009 -Minutes

2008 -Minutes

2007 -Minutes