BRAC Prohibition In Compromise Measure Short, To The Point
Defense Communities 360
December 12, 2013
The House and Senate versions of the fiscal 2014 defense authorization bill adopted varying approaches to rejecting the Obama administration’s request for a BRAC round in 2015, and the compromise version of the legislation unveiled this week finds one more way to bar additional base closures.
“Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize an additional Base Realignment and Closure round,” reads the language in the bill.
The House version included language prohibiting DOD from spending any funds to “propose, plan for, or execute” an additional BRAC round. The one passed by the Senate Armed Services Committee established a requirement for DOD to complete a formal review of overseas military infrastructure before Congress would consider authorizing a new round.
The compromise bill also reduces the department’s FY 2014 budget request by $8.0 million in operation and maintenance funds needed to develop recommendations and manage a new BRAC round, according to the joint explanatory statement accompanying the bill.
The text of the legislation and accompanying statement is available on the House Armed Services Committee website.