Sec. 32-58b. Office of Military Affairs established. Duties of executive director.
Sec. 32-58b. Office of Military Affairs established. Duties of executive director. (a) There is established an Office of Military Affairs within the Department of Economic and Community Development for administrative purposes only. The Office of Military Affairs shall promote and coordinate state-wide activities that enhance the quality of life of all branches of military personnel and their families and to expand the military and homeland security presence in this state.
(b) The Governor, in consultation with the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, shall appoint an executive director to manage the daily activities and duties of the Office of Military Affairs. The executive director shall have the necessary qualifications to perform the duties of said office, including, but not limited to, having prior military experience, and having attained the rank of a field grade or senior officer within a branch of the armed forces. The Governor shall give preference to any person with the necessary training and experience who has served in the Navy or who has knowledge or prior experience with the federal Base Realignment and Closure or “BRAC” process. Within available appropriations, the executive director shall: (1) Appoint, employ and remove such assistants, employees and personnel as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective administration of the activities of the office; (2) coordinate state and local efforts to prevent the closure or downsizing of Connecticut military facilities, particularly United States Naval Submarine Base-New London, located in Groton; (3) maximize the state’s input into the federal Base Realignment and Closure or “BRAC” process, including, but not limited to, (A) acting as liaison to the state’s congressional delegation on defense, military and BRAC issues, and (B) coordinating the activities of consultants hired by the state to assist in monitoring activities related to BRAC; (4) encourage the relocation of military missions to the state; (5) coordinate state and local efforts to enhance the quality of life of all branches of military personnel stationed in or deploying from Connecticut and their families living or working in Connecticut; (6) review and make recommendations for state policies that affect Connecticut’s military facilities and defense and homeland security industries; (7) coordinate state, regional and local efforts to encourage the growth of Connecticut’s defense and homeland security industry; (8) serve as an advocate for service members and their families to other state agencies; (9) initiate and sustain collaborative partnerships with local military commanders; (10) consult with the Department of Economic and Community Development on proposed financial assistance agreements with defense and homeland security firms; and (11) prepare and submit a report of activities, findings and recommendations annually to the Governor and the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to commerce and public safety, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a.