Child Protection Related Links

Below are useful Child Protection Links
Children's Law Center and Law Line: (
The mission of The Children's Law Center is to protect poor children in family court cases and to advocate for systemic changes to the adversarial system and other policies that advance the well-being of children involved in family transitions. The Children's Law Line (860-232-9993) is an easily accessible legal help line that can assist callers on issues involving children and family law in Connecticut.
American Bar Association, Center on Children and the Law
The ABA Center on Children and the Law's mission is to promote access to justice for children and families. Center projects are unified by two complementary goals: to improve legal representation and to improve the legal systems that impact children and families. The Center runs national training focused on the representation of children and parents in child welfare matters.
National Association of Counsel for Children
The National Association of Counsel for Children’s mission is to improve the lives of children and families by ensuring that these proceedings produce justice. Specifically, our mission is to:
* Strengthen the Delivery of Legal Services for Children
* Enhance the Quality of Legal Services Affecting Children
* Improve Courts and Agencies Serving Children
* Advance the Rights and Interests of Children
National Court Appointed Special Advocates
The mission of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association, together with its state and local members, is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy so that every abused or neglected child can be safe, establish permanence and have the opportunity to thrive.
Center for Children's Advocacy
Center for Children's Advocacy Lawyers at the Center for Children's Advocacy go where children need them most. Built on the belief that every child, no matter the circumstances, deserves justice, equity and access, the Center promotes and protects the legal rights of Connecticut's poorest and most vulnerable children.
Office of the Child Advocate - Office of Governmental Accountability
The mission of the Office of the Child Advocate is to oversee the protection and care of children and to advocate for their well-being.
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Link to the regulations of all Connecticut State Agencies, including the Department of Children and Families.