CT NBS Panel (Bloodspot Testing)
More information on the disorders that CT Screens for through bloodspot testing.
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When an infant has an out of range newborn screening result, Connecticut Newborn Screening Program (CT NBS) follow-up unit staff will notify the current health care provider by phone and fax. CT NBS follow-up staff will either request another heel-stick sample for repeat screening (for a borderline abnormal result) or will notify the Connecticut Newborn Screening Network of the result (for presumptive positive or time sensitive results). Following a report of a presumptive positive result or time sensitive result, a nurse from the Network will contact the baby’s current health care provider with follow up instructions and will order diagnostic laboratory testing, if indicated.
If you receive notification of the need for a repeat heel-stick sample, please collect the heel-stick sample within 2 business days (preferably) of receipt of the request from the CT NBS Program, unless otherwise instructed, and send to the state laboratory within 24 hours of collection. Your office will be asked to expedite collection and shipping of the specimen to the state lab if the infant never had an initial newborn screening completed for any reason.
Health care providers, If you have any questions please call CT NBS (860) 920-6628 during our regular business hours 8:00 -4:30 M-F or email dph.nbstracking@ct.gov. When calling or emailing after hours, you can expect a response early the next business day.
Please note that the State Laboratory, 395 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067 accepts NBS samples 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. While mailing sample is acceptable there have been significant delays in mail delivery noted in recent months which can lead to delays in testing. We recommend that samples be sent by same or next day courier service, dropped off at the State Laboratory or mailed with 1-2 day delivery and tracking.
When dropping off a sample after regular business hours at the State Laboratory, please ring the bell at the guard station at the entrance.
Additional Resources for Healthcare Providers
Alpha Thalassemia Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/AlphaThalKnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969772219?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/StNVrB86Gog?feature=shared
Beta Thalassemia Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/BetaThalKnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969783614?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/3BwDiLgThWI?feature=shared
Glutaric Acidemia Type 1 Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/GA1KnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969702368?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/Fueb-x7RD5g?feature=shared
Hemoglobin S/C Disease Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/HemoglobinSCKnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969724927?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/HuV5_C8CB5E?feature=shared
Hemoglobin S/S Disease (Sickle Cell Disease) Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/HemoglobinSSKnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969762868?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/FI70AVICZIY?feature=shared
Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (VLCAD) Deficiency Knowledge Nugget
ACMG Academy (CME): www.acmgeducation.net/URL/VLCADKnowledgeNugget
Vimeo (Non-CME): vimeo.com/969721152?share=copy
YouTube (Non-CME): youtu.be/BllkV1fbL9U?feature=shared
The Connecticut Newborn Screening website is still being developed, please continue to check for updates or call us if you have any questions
Robert Guthrie Symposium 2022
September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month
RNE Patient and Caregiver Support Groups
Newborn Screening Legislation Changes as of October 2021
NERGN Telegenetics Training Registration 2022
CT NBS Panel (Bloodspot Testing)
More information on the disorders that CT Screens for through bloodspot testing.
Did your child screen positive for a disorder through newborn screening bloodspot testing?
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