HRSA Newborn Screening
Hemoglobin Disorders
Hemoglobin disorders are a group of conditions that are caused by abnormal hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Its job is to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. These disorders are passed down through families. People with hemoglobin disorders may experience tiredness, pain, a lack of iron in their blood (anemia), and organ damage. Medicine and special medical care can help prevent these problems.
Core Conditions
S, Beta Thalassemia (Sickle Beta Thalassemia) (Sβ-Thal)
S, C Disease (Hemoglobin SC)
Sickle Cell Disease (Hemoglobin S)
Secondary Conditions
Other Hemoglobinopathies (Variant Hemoglobin’s)
Alpha-Thalassemia (Bart's Hb)**
Beta-Thalassemia (Beta thalassemia major)**
Hemoglobin Traits
Hemoglobin C Trait (Carrier) (Hgb FAC)
Hemoglobin D Trait (Carrier) (Hgb FAD)
Hemoglobin E Trait (Carrier) (Hgb FAE)
Hemoglobin S Trait (Carrier) (Hgb FAS)
Hemoglobin Variant Trait (Hgb FA Other)
Beta-Thalassemia Trait (Beta thalassemia minor) **
Alpha-Thalassemia Trait (Alpha thalassemia minor) **
**The following are additional disorders that are screened for in Connecticut that are not on the RUSP. These conditions are a validated condition screening or legislatively mandated.