This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy: New Report Showing Record Drop in Homelessness Confirms State’s Housing Efforts are Working

Nonprofit Organization’s 2017 Point-in-Time Count Finds Lowest Levels of Homelessness to Date in Connecticut

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today is applauding the results of an annual census of homelessness in the state, saying that the point-in-time count confirms that the state’s recent efforts to reduce homelessness and increase access to housing are working.

Conducted by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, this year’s census found that homelessness in Connecticut has decreased for a fourth consecutive year and is at its lowest level to date. Among the statistics found in the census, the nonprofit organization’s report found that:

  • The overall homeless population has decreased 13 percent during the last year and 24 percent since 2007.
  • A total of 415 people were unsheltered – a 38 percent decrease from last year.
  • Few veterans were counted as homeless – only 34 veterans were identified in emergency shelters (a decrease of 24 percent over the last year) and only 14 veterans were unsheltered (a 67 percent decrease). Connecticut continues to house veterans who become homeless within about 90 days.

“We set high goals to end homelessness, and this census released today showing record lows in Connecticut confirms that our state is moving in the right direction and our housing efforts are working,” Governor Malloy said. “Ensuring and delivering the availability of housing for everyone is critical to building stronger, safer communities where families thrive and businesses grow. Over the last several years, our state has built solid partnerships with local, state, and federal organizations to strengthen our housing needs in order to ensure that when someone becomes homeless, it is brief and nonrecurring. I want to thank everyone who has been involved in these efforts – their work is truly having a positive impact on peoples’ lives.”

“This report marks good progress in the effort to end homelessness,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “It’s an issue that impacts everyone in Connecticut – homelessness destabilizes communities and can devastate the people who are cycled in and out of emergency shelters for lack of services. I thank Governor Malloy for making housing a priority, and all of our partners and advocates for their work.”

“Under the Malloy administration, we are working in close partnership with stakeholders across all levels of government, as well as with organizations and providers in the private, and nonprofit sector,” Connecticut Department of Housing Commissioner Evonne Klein said. “During Governor Malloy’s tenure, Connecticut has become a recognized national leader in the housing arena. This year’s point-in-time count reaffirms not only the state’s commitment to preventing and ending homelessness, but also the strong partnerships. I applaud our nonprofit housing providers for their dedication and commitment. Together, we’re building a Connecticut where everyone will have a place to call home.”

The 2017 point-in-time report can be found on the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness website.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy