This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
July 8, 2013
Strategy Will Increase Access to Cleaner, Cheaper and More Reliable Energy for Residents and Businesses and Create Jobs
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state is taking key steps to implement its first ever Comprehensive Energy Strategy, a plan that will bring cheaper, cleaner, more reliable power to residents and businesses and create jobs.
"For too long, the cost of energy has been a prohibitive factor is making our state a more competitive place to live, work and do business," Governor Malloy said. "Thanks to the vision of this plan and the hard work of the legislature's Energy and Technology Committee, specifically the chairs and ranking members, today we take meaningful steps in lowering costs for residents and businesses."
"This strategy builds on our effort to improve energy efficiency, increase the number of clean energy projects and expand opportunities for natural gas service," the Governor continued. "With this legislation in place, we will be able to speed up our efforts and continue to drive down the cost of heat and electricity for families, reduce operating costs, and make our businesses more competitive."
The Governor today also announced a number of actions that demonstrate the state's commitment to swift implementation of the recommendations in the Comprehensive Energy Strategy:
  • Today, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protect (DEEP) is releasing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for long-term energy contracts from solar, wind, biomass and other "Class I" renewable energy projects in the New England region to obtain cheaper prices for these clean energy sources.
  • In response to the legislation, the state's natural gas distribution companies have submitted a ten-year plan for expanding access to cheaper, cleaner natural gas for homes and businesses across the state. This plan is under review by DEEP and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.
  • This month, DEEP will launch the approval process to significantly ramp up the state's investment in its energy efficiency program. Energy efficiency is the cheapest, cleanest way to lower energy bills, reduce emissions, and support the local economy.
  • The kick-off of EVConnecticut Incentives program, which will provide financial assistance to private businesses and municipalities interested in installing publicly-accessible electric vehicle charging stations.
"These new programs and actions demonstrate my commitment to quickly following through on the recommendations contained in Connecticut's Comprehensive Energy Strategy," Governor Malloy said. "These programs announced today and many others already underway are moving us closer to a cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable energy future for Connecticut every day. I want to thank the entire General Assembly for their work on this issue."
"The signing of legislation fully implementing Connecticut's first-ever Comprehensive Energy Strategy, as well as the announcement of significant next steps in our action agenda, firmly establishes Connecticut as a national leader in the energy arena," DEEP Commissioner Daniel C. Esty said. "Governor Malloy and our legislative leaders are now giving us additional tools to build on the great progress we have already made - with a thoughtful approach based on leveraging private investment and strategies to unleash technological innovation and rapidly drive down the price of clean energy."
The legislation is Public Act 13-298 ( An Act Concerning Implementation of Connecticut's Comprehensive Energy Strategy and Various Revisions to the Energy Statutes ) and Public Act 13-303 ( An Act Concerning Connecticut's Clean Energy Goals ).
For Immediate Release: July 8, 2013
Contact: Andrew Doba
860-524-7308 (office)
860-770-8090 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy