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Section 1-21j-30 (a)-(d)  Designation of parties

(a) In issuing the notice of hearing described in section 1-21j-34 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the executive director or his or her designee shall designate as a party any person known to the commission whose legal rights, duties or privileges are required by statute to be determined by a commission proceeding and who is required by law to be a party in a commission proceeding, and any person whose participation as a party is then deemed to be necessary to the proper disposition of such proceeding. Subsequent to the issuance of the notice of hearing no other person before the commission shall have standing as a party, and no party having been designated as such shall be removed as a party, except upon the express order of the commission or the presiding officer.

(b) Subsequent to the issuance of the notice of hearing, the commission or the presiding officer shall grant a person status as a party in a contested case if the commission or the presiding officer finds that: (1) such person has submitted a written petition to the commission and served copies on all parties, at least five (5) days before the date of hearing; and (2) the petition states facts that demonstrate that the petitioner’s legal rights, duties or privileges shall be specifically affected by the commission’s decision in the contested case. The five-day requirement in this subsection may be waived at any time before or after commencement of the hearing by the commission or the presiding officer on a showing of good cause.

(c) The commission or the presiding officer may remove as a party any person whose rights, duties or privileges are determined not to be at issue in the contested case.

(d) The conferring of party status by the commission or the presiding officer shall not be deemed to be an admission by the commission that such party may be aggrieved by any decision, order or ruling of the commission.